Vacation Log - Part 2 (June 1st)

Jun 13, 2007 21:39

Mind you... when I found the German twins, I kinda forgot to write down alot of what happened, and tried to catch up on all of it Sunday in my paper log. So I'm going to use it as a guide, and add some more stuff that I remember into it.

Oh! And pictures are up in my MySpace. Click here for them, but you'll notice that some of them aren't my photos, so please respect the photographers and do not take the ones that aren't mine. Thanks.

Friday, June 1st

The sun didn't set last night until near 10pm, and it was up again at 4am. Talk about change in latitute! That was something I would not be getting used to at any time.

Anyway, got up at 4am, couldn't get back to sleep, gave up at 6am and got ready for breakfast. Breakfast scared me even more than dinner did (grilled tomatoes and these black pancake thingies with seeds in them...) so yeah... cereal was my friend this weekend. Then I went back to my room and fell back asleep until 10am. I actually ran into the crazy german wonder twins, Nina and Ricarda, on my way there, but wasn't able to really chat much at that point.

Steward's meeting was at 11, where I got my assignment. Got to start talking to Steve P. and we found out we had the same stewarding assignment, which was pretty cool. We were going to be working at the Main Hall during the night events, checking badges as the attendees walked in.

After the meeting, Steve P. and I made our way to the main hall because the first talk was going to start at noon, and that was J. August Richards and Christian! Oh, and best part of being a steward? The front two rows of seats are reserved for us! So I was right up there when the boys came out on stage (a little late, but this is a con. Nothing runs on time).

I didn't recognize J. at first because he had this goatee thingie going, but it looked good on him. Chris, of course, was handsome. They sat down and just started chatting with each other, asking one another questions about the other's current career for the audience's benefit. There was no set panal topic, just two guys hanging out with the attendees. After about 10 minutes of chatting, they opened the floor up for questions from the peanut gallery.

I don't remember most of the questions, but a few stick out in my head. One was asking them if they were upset with the way their character ended in the final episode of Angel. Chris' answer was "Of course I'm pissed off! I got killed by a gay karaoke singer." which of course set the whole audience off laughing.

Later on, they were asked if they could be any other character in the show, who would they be. Chris answered with "Angel, of course. Only I'd do it better." J. laughed, and commented that he wanted to be Fred.

Further on in the talks, they started talking about each other's independant features they had done. J. has recently written and directed his first short film (which was screened Sunday night) and he was really excited about how it turned out. Chris talked for a bit about HIDE, and how he had to be in makeup for HOURS while they applied the arm and back tattoos to him every day. This, of course, prompted someone in the audience to ask him where they advertise that kind of job in applying tattoos all over his body. *snort*

After their talk, I went out to get something to eat, and found this really nice fish and chips place right by the hotel (i got chicken and chips though because I'm not a fish eater). I brought it back, and then I got to finally sit down. Nina and Ricarda joined me, and I got to meet Doro and Danny as well. They helped me eat my lunch, and we then went back to my room as so we could start our Super Sekret Project (which isn't a secret anymore) - Operation DWTS Signature Shirt.

backstory quickly - Nina, Ricarda and I were talking in AIM one day in late April, and we talked about things we wanted to do when we got to the con. Topics shifted, as they always do, and somehow we got to talking about how we haven't seen any pictures of Christian in a DWTS shirt... did he have one? Hey, wouldn't it be cool is we got him one and signed it... why don't we get everyone at the con to sign it! Shirt was bought, and I brought it overseas (along with the Whitney Duncan cd I got for them). And no one knew what we were planning, which was awesome.

So the group of us signed the shirt in my room, and then I handed it to them because they would have more opportunity to get signatures than I would. We then went to the 3pm talk between Clare Kramer and Jonathan Woodward.

Clare is awesome. Such a wonderful personality. Jonathan? THAT BOY IS INSANE! Seriously. He makes me look sane, so that is saying aLOT!

Off to dinner, and then work. Met Helen, who would become my partner in crime during the working hours. Steve P. ended up taking the other set of doors with Mike. We had Ian, Mike, Andy and Krugen as bosses, and Pixal would join us in the evenings as semi-bouncer.

So we waited and waited and for permission to open the doors, but the guests were running late from their dinner plans. AN HOUR LATE. I, of course, offered selflessly to go back there and flog each and every guest that was late. (this would come back to bite me the next day, btw). Finally, we got to open the door and let the people flood in. By the time everyone was in, seated, and the guests were ready, our shift ended and I got to go up into the front and watch as each and every guest came out to say hello to the attendees. Got to see Chris again, and Steve Carlson came out as well. Both were looking good.

After that, the guests left and the nightly party started. I found the Germans and we got rounds to drink of this vodka infused drink called VHF. Oh my god those things are dangerous. They are so sweet and you don't taste the alcohol, so you just down 3 or 4 before you feel anything, and then BAM you're gone.

J. came out to hang for awhile, and I got to talk to him at the bar for 30 seconds before he moved on. Just said hi, got a smile, pat on the shoulder and that was all I needed. I'm an easy fangirl, I swear.

We drank, we dance, and then Alison stumbles back to her room before she dies of smoke inhalation. And that's the day!

Coming up next - Saturday a.k.a. I forget how to speak, Who do I get to flog?! and pretty men singing.

vacation log, log, vacation, decalogy

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