Dec 28, 2007 08:42
OK, Sunday the 23rd we flew to Oregon. Uneventful travel, the boy as usual didn't bother anyone, whoo! We rented a little car, headed out the Gorge to the SIL/BIL's place. Stopped for a McMenamin's lunch: delightful. The gorge was icy and wet and lush and wonderful. Upon our arrival, cousin R was smitten by little Eddy and entertained him enthusiastically. We had roast chicken dinner with just their family that night. Unfortunately, that night DH got deathly ill. He came down with a viral gastroenteritis and spent from midnight to six am vomiting violently and having noisy diarrhea in the bathroom adjoining our sleeping area; in between episodes he moaned miserably with pain. The boy slept through much of this.
FIL and MIL arrived the next day (Christmas Eve.) Their Christmas tradition is to go all out on Christmas Eve, so while they were out of the house I made a bread pudding and that freed up the oven for a huge beef roast; we also had scalloped potatoes and a nice salad. BIL's daughter (Eddy's step-half-cousin) was there for dinner, and his other daughter and her boyfriend showed up after. The in-laws were super generous to me, and I ended up with tons more cash for my little redecorating project as well as some great books and soaps and Hood River t-shirt and such. DH was recovering all day and barely made it through all the festivities.
Christmas day was low-key and spent relaxing. The family went for a walk and then a snow storm blew in! It was beautiful. On the 26th DH and I went for a run but his tummy wasn't up for it and neither was my foot. When we got back (two hours without the boy, longest ever!) my MIL and SIL insisted on taking me to the yarn store where I got three skeins of Imperial Stock Ranch.
Everyone left on the 27th: our hosts for a family vacation and DH's parents for home. A big snowstorm was forecast so we also got an early start. We had McMenamin's for lunch again (at the Kennedy School, where we had our wedding reception!) and drove around a bit admiring cute houses with yards full of rhododendron and roses before heading to the airport a few hours early.
The boy was antsier than usual, and even though it was practically bedtime and he was droopy when we got on the plane, for the first time he didn't fall asleep. I was in the middle seat and awkwardly trying to nurse without flashing the burly young man to my right didn't help matters. Eddy cried a lot, and disturbed people until I got smart and started singing him songs, which eased the noise level at least. Finally halfway through the flight he fell asleep. He woke up an hour later when we landed and was whiny and wouldn't go to Daddy.
We figured out why when he had a massive, massive puke while waiting in front of baggage claim. Oh, brother. I felt so bad for him, and so grossly covered with vomit. We got our bags and got changed and rushed out, he had a whiny ride home but he didn't puke again until we got to our own bathroom. At that point Daddy whipped out the Zofran and dosed him. I think that did the trick, because he slept peacefully all night. (Daddy didn't want to be puked on during his limited time to sleep before work, but I didn't want to leave him alone in his cold crib, so I stayed with him in the guest room most of the night.
Today he has absolutely foul poops -- he soiled a Goodmama so I put him in a Sumbuns for the current mess -- but no pukes, thank goodness. Hopefully he'll feel well enough that we can get this house straightened and laundry cleaned and maybe some groceries bought today!