(no subject)

Oct 05, 2007 07:51

I think I figured out why Edward slept poorly the night before last. Seems the birthday boy's snotty nose was contagious at Tuesday's party/playgroup. Last night Eddy was super congested and slept horribly. He spent from 8 to 9:15 NOT going to sleep, then when I finally got him down he popped up 5 minutes later with bloodcurdling screams. I got him back down and went to bed myself at 10-ish then he was up about every hour until midnight-ish, when I gave up and took him to the guest room. He was super restless and nursing and crying if he wasn't nursing and bubbling his nose through the nursing for the rest of the night. He'd fall asleep and I'd just start winding down to sleep myself and he'd start rooting again. I guess I did get some sleep, since I was mostly unaware when DH came in at 4-ish to say goodbye, but yeah. He was up for the day at 6:30. *YAAAAAWWWWNNN*

It's my rest day from running, thank goodness, and all that I have on my schedule is MOMS club monthly meeting, which I am very iffy about going to since it lands right during Edward's best napping time (WHEN he's on schedule) plus there's the issue of the thick green stuff pouring out of his nose -- maybe I shouldn't bring him to contaminate the other kids.

Speaking of MOMS club, I signed up for the Secret Sister gift exchange that's going on from September through March. You're supposed to try to contact your Sister a couple of times a month, and give a gift about once a month. Now, I didn't get my assignment until mid-September, but I did send her a Talk Like A Pirate Day e-card, and I am going to deliver my first gift to her tomorrow. It's just occurred to me as I think of other ways to brighten her day, or gifts for her kids, that I haven't heard from whoever has me. Isn't that always how it works? I mean, the fun for me is in the giving -- honestly, I'd be worried that I'd end up getting stuff that would just accumulate -- but still. I'm a little bummed, to be honest.


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