wolves in the walls!!!

May 17, 2006 12:41

Well it was touch and go for a little while, I thought that we would be late and that I wouldn't get into see it :( but we made it yay!!!

Anyhoo, amazing visuals (you would expect that from the creator of such comics as sandman lucifer ect) good music all round good "family show" however I wouldn't take little peeps to it as some of the sound effects could be a tad on the frightening side for a mini me????

Paul has managed to turn me into a full on geek (oh the shame) I went to a "tourny" and played did not win this time but was voted for as one of the best sportsmanship players, sortsmanship??? Its a table top war game!!!! For gawd sakes but meh keeps me entertained and hairy happy so thats all good :)

In other news not at lot, gawd it just gets worse through here, I all alone :( well not really I have my hairy man and the beast and the new baby to keep me entertained but its just not the sane as knowing I could walk up the road and go to the monkey and have a good drink in good company, I am planning on having a small gathering at my house which involves bbq food and beer and the likes but it is getting harder and harder to get to grips with the sunshine!!

Anyhoo I miss everyone and my life in edinburgh, but hopefully this will all change when I go back to uni! :) *grin* it makes me happy :)

pip pip
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