Greek is my life.

Mar 10, 2004 20:44

Ah, so today is my last day of classes b/c I'm leaving early (Oh, my god- Ali is skipping a class?!?) tomorrow.
I decided I should update even if nothing interesting has happened since yesterday. I did study Greek all day. Well, at least most of the time when I wasn't getting distracted. I did get some work done.
Let's see what happened today? Got up,ate, went to work, went to class, ate, went back to work, studied, ate, studied and started goofing off.
As part of my goofing off time I'm updating and watching "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" I've seen it so many time but I still love it.
It's funny my friend Rose and I are both updating and IMing at the same time. It's especially funny b/c she's right across the hall from me!
It's funny being back on Live Journal- I now feel like I should be saying profound and insightful things. Too bad, I'm not feeling practically insightful right now. Besides it's all I can do to try to think coherently in English.
Ah- I'm having such a hard time with Greek. Knowing that there are only 8 other people in my class to compete with ( grade-wise) is daunting.It's feels like the other people in my class understand Greek better than I do. Spring break will be SO nice! Tomorrow I have my weekly exam and I'm feeling ok about the material, but tests are not my strong point.
I think since I started Greek I have lost touch with my friends. I haven't had a chance to talk to many of my friends here in what feels like ages.
I probably shouldn't be goofing off but I'm ready for break and I'm tired of Greek.
oh, it's the part in the movie where all the brothers shave- they look so much better without beards. It's too funny I know this movie backward and forward. Now they're "learning" to dance. What can I say, not many people have seen it, but in my family it's a classic! I've seen it so many times I know what's happening by the music,and the lines are no problem either- those have been memorized for a while.
Oh, for those of you who know me- I'm a fan of "Alias". I tell you it's one of the most frustrating shows, but in spite of it all I still watch it. The writers are getting really desperate, last week they showed the same 15 minutes twice but from different character's perspectives. It was ridiculous! I waited three weeks for a good "Alias" and the new one was a total disappointment.
I'm sure everyone is envious of my life. Greek and not much else except some social interactions. But, that's what it is. I can't change my nature.
I guess I go and relax away from my computer.
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