Dec 18, 2009 18:37
Christmas bores me, I won't lie. I have no interest in it whatsoever.
Sadly, my Nana does, and she makes it clear that it is extremely important that I am there at Christmas. But what do I do there?
I get woken up at stupid o'clock by my uncle singing one line from the song he's chosen this year. Last year his line was "put a great big smile, on somebody's face" which he sang 50 times an hour. He then forces me out of bed where I have to sit down doing nothing until more family arrive. My Nana's neice then criticises my appearance and asks me how uni is going, then there is about an hour of idle chatter mainly filled with awkward silences.
Presents are exchanged, my uncle gives everyone stuff from the car boot sale, and asks if we got anything we don't like this year that he can sell.
Then the meal comes, I get less than I normally would and its gone within minutes. My uncle always spills red wine all over me, and I'm usually not allowed to drink because of my medication. As I'm also not allowed to leave the table I just sit there whilst the "adults" talk.
Then everyone retires to the lounge and they talk some more. If I leave the room I get called back in. Then sit there some more. Then comes the bad TV, then bed.
IT'S BORING. It's more boring than normal days. I don't enjoy it, I don't enjoy the company of my family and the only reason I go is because my Nana gets upset if I don't.
This year however I have an excuse not to.
My cat has nowhere to go. I can't leave him in the house alone, and my Nana won't have him because she thinks he'll smell, so the only option is for me to stay here with him.
I told my Nana and she was really upset, so I told her that all Christmas does its depress me, I can't see the point to it, and if I want to spend time with her I can do it on the 27th when my housemate returns and I am free to leave the cat. She said that me coming back at Christmas was more important and the cat will be able to survive on his own, but I didn't agree.
I think it all comes down to a matter of opinion. I don't think Christmas is important. I don't need an excuse to spend time with the people I love, or eat turkey, or give someone a gift. If I want to do those things, I will. I don't believe in God or Jesus or whatever so don't feel an intense need to celebrate his birth which has apparently been miscalculated anyway.
Christmas' past have just driven me to drink and depression, they remind me of when I lived with my Mum and Stepdad and got beaten up on Christmas day. Christmas sucks and I am so glad I have a reason not to put myself through that this year. Lets hope the cat has nowhere to go next year, too.