Lost Ones 1/? Megamind Fanfic

Jan 03, 2012 22:08

Title: Lost Ones (title subject to change) Part 1
Author: Aliseeve
Rating: PG-13 (at worst…don’t think it’s higher than this)
Length: 479 words
Summary: Titan’s battle caused a lot of problems, the aftermath may cause more. (summary definitely subject to change)

Titan’s rule caused the single highest damage estimates and loss of life Metro City had ever seen. The results weren’t noticed right away. The city so used to massive fights between Metro Man and Megamind had always held a bit of knowledge that when the fight was over, everything would go back to normal, everyone would be safe. They hadn’t realized until the next day, after Titan’s attack, when reports started coming in of missing persons, when reports from clean up crews started reporting dead bodies, that everyone realized how horrible the attack was.

Most were found in the rubble of Metro Tower, unfortunate people who’s only crime had been arriving at work. Some found in the wreckages of their homes burnt as Titan wrote his name on the city with his laser vision.

There were other casualties, ones that weren’t directly affected by the battle itself, but by the evacuations and even the aftermath. Children left orphaned, abandoned, citizens who were separated from loved ones during the chaos, people who’s jobs no longer existed due to the destruction. Even with the help the city’s new defender could provide, the city’s rebuilding was slow. A month into the clean up, is when the lost children were first noticed. Gangs of teenagers, and young adults who had nowhere else, had lost their families, or who had decided they were better off on their own roamed the streets.

The newly reformed police force did their best, gathering up the children and finding where they belonged, but they couldn’t find all of them.

___________ ONE YEAR LATER________________

“Are you sure this is gonna work?” A voice whispered from the darkness
“It will if you don’t blow it by talking” Another voice said “TeddyBear lights.” It whispered and a click was heard before a weak beam of light illuminated the speakers.
“Flashlight’s almost gone,” The first voice came from a girl with long scraggly red hair pulled into a ragged braid, as she looked over at the two youngest of their group gripping a dying flashlight.
“No Shit Sherlock.” Said the second voice a boy around the same age as the girl. “It doesn’t matter, I found this place yesterday, no one comes around this area of town, we should be safe here for awhile.” The boy looked up at the airvent above him. “I’ll prop you up Em, then send up TeddyBear, When you’re up drop the rope and I’ll climb up.”

“Got it Sky,” The girl said before kneeling in front of the two youngest in their group, “TeddyBear I need you two to follow me ok, Sky’s gonna get us up and we’re gonna crawl in a dark place for awhile but then we’ll be warm ok?”

The two little children nodded as they watched Sky lift Em and she crawled into the vent, “send them up” she whispered quietly.
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