Nobodys Happy. Thats Not The World I Knew Inside, Yet Everybody Hides.

Dec 17, 2008 20:30

i have only worked for Demon Boss for two days (TWO DAYS!!!), and i'm already freaking out because i cannot work for her for another year... not that she's going to stay for a year, but if my fears come true, she will.  the first three hours of my work shifts, i contemplate how to avoid her as much as possible for the rest of the day, and then the last four hours i think about how to get rid of her.  Nobody wants her there.  She doesn't want to be there.  She wants to be in Deli, where my old boss is now, and she's freaking out because she wants to come back to Bakery.  I know this because she told me.  Someone else told me that Demon Boss wants Deli.

So here's what i've come up with that *might* work.  I go to the Food ETL (i dont know exactly what ETL stands for, but the 't' and 'l' stand for Team Leader) and say something along the lines of:

"I need to talk to you.  Because i dont plan on ever moving farther up the ladder here than where i am now, i feel comfortable coming up to you and telling you that nobody is happy with this current arrangement except possibly some of the deli team members.  I have very reliable sources that tell me that (my old boss) is not happy in Deli and wants to go back to the Bakery, and that (Demon Boss) does not want to be in Bakery and wants to be the Team Lead in Deli.

"If i know (Demon Boss) like i think i do, she shouldn't need to train over there for longer than a week before she is on top of things.  She is best suited to Lead an area that is in bad shape.  The Bakery is not in bad shape, we are a well oiled machine, where everyone knows their jobs, and everyone knows what is expected of them.  The last thing we need is a drill sargent, and thats what we've got.  Deli, from what i've heard from reliable sources, is not running so well.  Deli needs to be fixed, and (Demon Boss) is perfect for the job.

"I could tell you several other reasons why (Demon Boss) would be better off in Deli and why (my old boss) would be better in Bakery, but the most important one i could tell you is that more people would be happier if they just switched departments.  (Demon Boss) and (my old boss) would be happier.  The Bakery would be happier.  Deli would run smoothly once more.  I understand that you made this decision because little training would be required for both of them, but i actually think that is untrue.  (my old boss) will have to train for the things that have changed in Deli since she left.  (Demon Boss) will be clueless about the new things in the Bakery.  So, while you could've just had one person re-training in an area, you now have two.

"I completely apologize if this came off as rude, or anything other than a subordinate coming up to you with a concern.  I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to me."

That could work, right?  I know it's not my place to be directing where my superiors are going, but something has got to be done here, and nothing will happen if no one speaks up right?  And i said nothing negative about Demon Boss, so he wouldn't be able to say that i complained.  I'd sooner as for Demon Boss to get promoted, as she really is nothing but an asset to the company, but seriously, i cannot work for that woman.  She is snippy.  I forgot how snippy she was.

the other day, it was 8:20am, and i had to take my lunch before 9am or i would go over the 6 hour mark (you have to take your lunch before the 6 hour mark, or they will tear out one of your limbs), so i was contemplating going to lunch now, or doing my breakout before hand, and on a good day, i can get the breakout done in 20 minutes, but on a bad day, it could take as long as 45 minutes, so i was staring at the clock evaluating.  Demon Boss was right in front of me, and i had been nothing but completely pleasant to her all day, and i knew she would call attention to the fact that i was standing around staring into space, so i told her that i was just evaluating whether or not to go to break now, and she said, "i dont care what you do, but do something!" and then left the back room.   I was so offended by that little snippy remark!  My old boss would have just nodded and walked away, or said nothing at all.   People who are not ROBOTS would have just disregarded me, but Demon Boss, that robot... she had to get in a snippy remark where no snippiness was necessary!  snippy.

I cant even tolerate working for her for two days in a row.  I thought i could handle a few days, but apparently not.  Actress Co-Worker, she told me everytime Demon Boss calls her name, a little shiver runs down her spine, and i laughed and completely agreed.  I said, "that is why i hide in the back.  Being in a different room helps."  and then she said "Yeah, but then she comes to me and goes "Where is Alisa!?" *shiver*

i'm hoping something will change and very very soon.  I know she likes me, i know because everytime i leave (which by the way, i cant just say "im leaving" because then she'll make sure i've done absolutely everything, like taking the boxes back to the compactor, or wiping down the table, before i can), she says "good work today Alisa, you did a very good job."  Which i'm positive she doesn't say to everyone, but for my sanity, i cant do this.

There has only been one real positive so far.  A year ago, before she left for Grocery, i had just started bringing my iPod to work, and she told me i wasn't allowed to wear it after 8am, which i understood, and still do.  My old boss though, when she took over, said, "if i cant hear it up front, you can play it."  So i got spoiled, and i started wearing it whenever i spent a long period of time in the backroom.  Demon Boss, so far, hasn't told me to take it off after 8am, so yay for that!  Any kind of distraction i can get is awesome.

deli, my boss, work, demon boss, actress co-worker, bakery, ipod

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