Im finding it harder and harder to deal with my... uh... singularity. History Friend called me the other day and mentioned how the word engagement popped out of Fetus Fajitas mouth the other day... saying he might buy her a ring if they start earning enough money to get their feet on the ground. She was estatic. We started talking about weddings. I'd be her maid of honor.
And then there is this new-found crush-o-rama on
Ian Thorpe that came out of nowhere, and now i cant stop thinking about him... it's fricken nuts. His face is plastered in my subconcious and i cant get him out (and the question of whether i want to get him out or not must be raised), and... (and i warn, this confession steps into the TMI category...) everytime i listen to the song "Cosy in the Rocket" by Psapp these days, all i can see is a supermodel version of myself, and a
2004 version of him up against the wall in the mens locker room (in the showers specifically) and 99% of the time i listen to that song at work. Which makes things very awkward for me. And my God... this need for (i dont want to say him, but) him makes my heart ache more and more and more every day, and my God, it makes me feel incredibly pathetic. And... dare i say it... i've finally accepted that i'm desperate. I've been trying to avoid that shameful "D" word for years, but it's goddamn true.
So... Summary: I need a boyfriend and i need one now.
yes. i'm back to that low point. again. for the millionth time. just a heads up.
UPDATE!!!: I learned that Ian Thorpe is in love with someone who lives outside of Australia... and its not me. i'm sad.