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Jun 02, 2007 01:11


1. KICK THE CHAIR INFRONT OF YOU.  this is the most annoying thing you can possibly do in a theatre.  Not only does it piss off the person infront of you, ruining their movie experience, but they are SERIOUSLY thinking of a way to get back at you big time.  More than once have i, myself, thought of standing up for the rest of the movie.  i've been seconds away from doing it too.   Just do everyone a favor... dont kick the chair infront of you.

2. TALK.  for real.  you have all the time in the world after the movie to gab away at whoever your with.  If you have a question about a part of the movie... just wait for two GODDAMN seconds, because, more than likely, the answer will reveal itself.  Seriously.  I HATE it when someone goes "why did he do that?" only to have the answer explained two minutes later in the movie.  Not only does it irritate the person your with, but it irritates the people all around you.  just... watch the damn movie, and question it later.

3. BOB UP AND DOWN IN YOUR CHAIR WHEN A HOT GUY IS ON SCREEN.  i'm 100% serious when i say that someone has actually done this.  I was at the POTC: At Worlds End premiere, and it was a packed house.  Anyway... i was highly disappointed that my theatre chose to show the trailer for Transformers instead of something better... i dont know... HARRY POTTER.  Anyway... i had to sit through that damn trailer... and out of the corner of my eye i see a bobbing movement.  I bent forward, and there was a girl, jumping up and down on her chair and clapping her little hands silently, and her eyes were fixated on... *gulp*... Shia LeBeouf.    In the words of Miss Meredith Grey from Greys Anatomy, "SERIOUSLY!?!!"   We're not going to even get started on my problem with Transformers, and with Shia LeBeouf.   So... just pretend that you understand my great disappointment with this, and why i have a huge problem with this girl going gaga over him, while she could be doing it to Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom... OR!!!  she could've just held onto her shit, and freaked out when she got home.  Probably the more logical choice.

4. MAKE OUT WHILE THE LIGHTS ARE STILL ON.  another insident i witnessed while waiting for POTC: At Worlds End.

5. SIT VERY CLOSE TO A STRANGER WHEN THERE ARE SEVERAL EMPTY ROWS:  I was by myself a few days ago, and i decided to go see "Waitress"  (excellent movie btw.  Hilarious).   When i got there, the only two people in the theatre were these two teenage girls... who came together.  They were in the exact middle of the risers.  I chose to go with the front row of the risers (more leg room, and no one's sitting infront of you).    I sat in the middle of that row.  People were coming in, decided to sit in empty rows higher than me... but the theatre was still pretty empty.   So, just before the trailers started to roll, a woman who was in crutches decideds to sit in my row (i wouldn't blame her for that... she had crutches.)  but she wasn't sitting at the end of the row like a good little crippled woman should've.  NO.   SHE SAT TWO CHAIRS AWAY FROM ME.  TWO!!!!!     Now, i'm a tiny bit claustrophobic... but seriously... my bubble is insanely large during times like these.  If it was a premiere... i would've been more understanding... but this was a 5:00pm showing of a movie that has been out for over a week.     i think i had my territory claimed.


I need suggestions for Fiction books to read.   I love to read, but my biggest problem is i dont know anything, and i'm horrible at picking out books to read.  Here is how i choose the books i read:

1. They are making a movie out of it.  (because i assume they'd only make movies out of GOOD books.)
2. I know the name of the author
3. It's on the list of best sellers (even then, i tend to avoid those for reasons i dont know).
4. A friend read it.
5. I've heard of it before.
6. It is not very difficult to read (unlike some classic books... like The Scarlet Letter, or anything Charles Dickens has written).

That is extremely pathetic.  I'll go down the fiction section fifty times, and everything looks so foreign and i dont just buy ANY book... i buy good books.  Buying bad books is not an option.

So.  I need suggestions

My Favorite Books (so far):

1. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks 
(just in case you were wondering, i've probably read it a million times before the movie ever came out)
2. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
(and even better... Peter Jackson is writing/producing/directing the movie.  YAY!!!  Exciting!!!)
3. The Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling
(well... no brainer there)
4. Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty
5. Second Helpings by Megan McCafferty  
(but NOT Charmed Thirds.   definately not Charmed Thirds.)
6. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.  
(there are so many good lines in this play it's impossible for me not to love it.)

Books I've Read Recently And Liked:

1. The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie
(this is one of those books i picked up because i knew who the writer was.  And Hugh Laurie is just as funny when he writes as he is when he acts.)
2. The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom
(this is one of those books i picked up because there is a tv-movie made out of it.  and i know the author too.)
3. The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus
(this is one of those books i picked up because they were making a movie of it.)
4. Sybil by Flora Rheta Schriber
(this is one of those books i picked up because i watched the movie.  and i have a strange love affair with multiple personality disorder)
5. Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
(this is one of those books i picked up because i had heard of it before, and i'm pretty sure i read it before, but i'm very glad i read it again)
6. True Believer by Nicholas Sparks
(this is one of those books i picked up because i knew who the writer is.  Nicholas Sparks is my favorite author.  I'll read anything he writes.)

I'm currently reading The Stand by Stephen King.  This was chosen because: 1. i couldn't find any books that looked interesting.  2.  due to this problem, i decided to choose a well known author and read his books... i choose Stephen King because he is the prodigy writer of our time.  3.  Stephen King writes little articles from time to time in Entertainment Weekly, and its always very easy to read.  Therefore, i figure Stephen King books are very easy to read.  4. The Stand is probably the least scary/gory of all of his books and... from what i've heard... best book ever.  Theres also a movie too.  gotta love movies.

Anyway... i need your help.  suggest GOOD books.  i need some options next time i go to Borders.


COUNTDOWN TO ESTES PARK, COLORADO:  three hours until i hit the road.

shia lebeouf, colorado, at worlds end, johnny depp, books, stephen king, nicholas sparks, potc, waitress, orlando bloom, the notebook, movies, greys anatomy, harry potter, estes park

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