Sep 11, 2006 01:43
its really hard being me sometimes. usually times like this. times when i'm nice to absolutely everyone possible, and then i end up finding out that they are mean to me behind my back. those kind of situations. i dont handle them very well.
i suppose one could say i'm a complete hypocrit when it comes to these situations because i'm not exactly unchatty with some of my other (more reliable) friends (about My Best Friend). So, i could be called a hypocrit. but then again, you could call everyone in the world a hypocrit because everyone has done something they at one point bitched about. it's life!
the situation we're going through right at the moment involves a certain place of employment that i currently have employment at. (i love how when i'm really upset or depressed about something, my writing up's a level in sophistication). There is an employee that works at Hollywood Video whom i'll introduce to you as Trampy Co-Worker. Trampy Co-Worker lacks class, and courtesy. She doesn't think before she speaks. Trampy Co-Worker adores me... for some reason i have yet to understand. Now, to squash those ideas popping through your head right now... No, i did not say that because i think i'm unlikable. Unlikable people do not have to figure out names for their dozen friends (and then some). I have yet to understand her reason for leeching onto me because we're completely opposite, and i've only done one thing to impress her. The first night we closed the store together, i set a personal record by leaving twenty minutes after we closed. That, my friends, has only ever been done by one, maybe, two other people. The record holder being Co-Worker Friend, whom i'm now renaming Married Friend (because she will be married on Saturday, story coming soon). So, that makes me completely awesome.
ANYWAY... so, Trampy Co-Worker thinks that i'm amazing because of this sole reason... and for other reasons, i cant possibly understand. She likes to remind me of how awesome i am by saying "everyone says that you close slow, but YOU! got us out at 12:20! ha!" What a hell of a reminder. Now, i'm not upset by this... it just stings a bit... like when your scar is healing and it has this sting that doesn't go away but you can ignore it. that kind of sting. And plus, they are right, i close slow. I know it. But its not my fault. If they would just keep their damn registers even, i wouldn't close slow. So, she likes to gloat this little fact with me all the time.
Then yesterday (yesterday being Saturday), i closed with her again (to which she was tickled pink, mind you... although it didn't stop her from wanting to not close, but she was glad it was me and not anyone else.) Teasing Co-Worker is working from 3 to 10pm that night, so, it's the three of us until 10 when he leaves. Teasing Co-Worker will smooze your little fanny off, and behind your back tell everyone else how much of a pain in the ass you are... but if you get in his face he'll triple-fold whatever you give him. So hes your basic ass without making it get in the way of your "friendship".
Anyway, around 11:15pm Trampy Co-Worker starts using that tact and class of hers and tells me how when she came in Teasing Co-Worker said to her "Oh, i see your closing with Alisa tonight... have fun." and she, of course, spouted her "everyone says shes slow but we got out at 12:20! hahaha!" and then according to her he said he didn't believe her. She then said to go check it out the paperwork because it's true. and he still didn't believe her.
Now, i know it doesn't sound like much, but i'm a nice person. i'm nice to everyone. i'm nice to people because i dont want them hurting me. its hard to get on someones bad side when your nothing but kind, and relatable to them. So, that comment of him saying rude remarks about me like that felt like a knife in the back. Now i'm sure you want to ask me what i say about him behind his back. I say that he's a little annoying when he constantly teases people and does nothing but complain about them behind his back, but he's a good guy, and most of the time, i defend him against the others who get really pissed with him and his remarks. i like the guy. i think he's a good person who just knows too many comebacks, and quips. We all have our quirks. Thats not harsh is it? thats nothing outside of normal. So, what he said really hurts me.
There is only one person who works there who can say rude things about me and that is Anal Co-Worker because he is being just a complete asshole, and i'll admit it, i'm a bitch to him. i really am. and i do it because hes being a jerk to me. its my reflex. you be a jerk towards me, i'll be a bitch to you. i almost cant help it. So, if i heard he was saying things behind my back, well, lets just say i'd actually be kind of sad if he didn't, because if i complain about ANYONE, i complain about Anal Co-Worker. He pretty much has a right to bitch about me. But if i ever complain about anyone, its usually things like "She found the empty case, and then i tried to help her take initiative and take care of it appropriately, but she didn't do it!" or "He didn't even fill out the sheet when he called the other store about the wrong store movies!" or "we had a deep line and he didn't even get up to help us!" thats it. thats normal stuff... and i just realized how huge a hypocrit i am.
but i dont care. i'm still hurt that they didn't talk to me about it. And plus, i get the impression that the stuff they complain to me about is more long-term than anything i ever say about any of them. i dont know. maybe i'm just paranoid, but i just get the feeling like people are saying scummy things about me.
In other related news, Anal Co-worker makes me want to strangle him whenever he speaks. Ever since Married Friend left he's been a serious asshole around there. And when i say asshole, think of it like this: i've been calling him a jerk for awhile now, and when i say jerk, i mean "complains at least once a shift about something i'm doing. makes me feel incompetent at least once a shift. otherwise he's fine." so, now when i say asshole i mean: "complains once or twice a shift (or whenever you come in outside of work) about something you've done wrong. makes me feel incompetent at least twice a shift. makes everything i talk positively about feel negative. bosses me around. tells me how i should close, and if he comes back later, asks me why i didn't do what he told me to do. makes me feel like i got demoted. causes me to react in a bitchy way." See, i choose my words pretty carefully. Well, now, i told you he was an asshole right? Now he's being promoted to Assistant Manager. Married Friend's old position. Just imagine that assholiness, and triple it. thats my horrific vision.
I haven't been working at HV very much lately, and there have been several changes that i just haven't been talked about or i just dont like it anyway, and its made working there a hell of a lot more difficult.
These are my primary reasons why i feel it is best that i put in my two weeks notice at Hollywood Video. I'm happy at SuperTarget so far. I'm learning a lot, and they are very forgiving of me if i make a mistake. I dont mind being there. Sometimes i feel a little bit out of place, but it doesn't stop me from feeling like this is a better road for me to travel on than staying at HV.
my only troubling thought? if i leave HV... thats the end of my free rentals. I'd either have to pay $16 a month for the MVP plan to keep my movies "free" or i'd have to just pay the normal amount for rentals in order to watch them. But you know what? it may be sad to part with my free rentals, but i can do it, and still survive. hell, $16 a month doesn't sound that bad for an unlimited amount of rentals per month. its like having the employee discount, except you pay $16 a month. but if need be, i wouldn't mind doing that.
Now i just have to tell Bossman D. Soon-to-be-Ex-Bossman D.
Unrelated News: I bought Greys Anatomy Season 1. I just finished watching it last week. i bought it for only $17. Thank you Target for putting it on sale at $19 and then letting me have my discount! I also bought The Office Season 1 (American Version, i already have the British Version). Also $17 with the sale + discount. Have i said recently that i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it when electronic stores/part of store has a kick ass sale? its like hot sex. only its really not. Also, i'm completely enwrapped (sp? enrapt? enrapped? im too lazy for in Greys Anatomy Season 2 (which comes out on Tuesday). I just got through episode 5. Episode 5 + current state of mind given this absolutely shitty weekend = tears. i thought i could tough this one out, but damn you Dr. Meredith Grey and damn you Dr. Derek Shepherd. damn. you. I'd also like to damn Monica Keena who was especially heartwarming and heartstring-tugging in this episode.
I hate it when i get so caught up on several shows on TV. I went from having 1 1/2 (Lost being the primary commitment, and 24 being the half because i haven't quite decided whether or not it was a bad decision to wait until the DVDs come out. I'm currently thinking it was a bad decision, but i'll finalize my decision once i finish watching the DVDs... in December) to now having 3 1/2 (Lost... which is still the primary commitment, Veronica Mars whom i've decided is filling in Alias' shoes until i can get over the fact that Alias ended, Greys Anatomy... which i'm still deciding whether or not i want to commit to watching it, or if i want to not watch it and wait for it to come on DVD, and 24 being the half, which we all know why.) Also, we cant quite leave out The Office (American), because i'm pretty damn sure i'm buying season 2 (when it comes out if it hasn't already).
Damn you Good TV Shows! Damn You!
Trampy Co-Worker: She's 18. She's pretty. She's a snob. She doesn't have an ounce of tact, class, or courtesy. She's not a people person. She thinks everyone is checking her out. She sucks at this sinfully easy job. She's a snob. Has been with her boyfriend for about 4 years (but there was a year between when she moved away, but came back). They were/are high school sweethearts. She's kind of a snob.
Co-Worker Friend is now Married Friend because she is not my co-worker anymore, and is getting Married on Saturday. Thats why she's not Engaged Friend.
Twin Co-Worker Friend is now Rebelling Friend because she is not my co-worker anymore, and the majority of her actions now are to rebel against her strict parents.
Sickly Co-Worker is now Sickly Guy because he is not my co-worker anymore, and i dont suspect you or i will be hearing from him again, or his girlfriend Tinkerbell.
My Best Friend is now My Ex-Best Friend because i've decided to remove her from my life. More on that in another update.
hollywood video,
trampy co-worker,
teasing co-worker,
co-worker friend,
sickly co-worker,
my best friend,
twin co-worker friend,