ooook I think it's time for an update... I'm going to split things up into different entries so I wont have one long entry that no one will want to even start to read.
I'm not for sure on what days exactly, but before the 5th of January Sarah and I went on a little roadtrip. It was barely planned, but I don't think I would have had it any other way. I love our spontaneous-best-friendness. Anyway, we went to Madison Indiana the first night. We just looked around and then headed to the cheapest hotel. Oh man was it cheap. Ha shoo there were these foreign g
uys across the hall from our room. I have no idea what language they were speaking, but I don't think I have ever heard it before. They kept staring at us until we got to our room, which was THE ONLY ONE THAT WAS UNLOCKED AND OPEN! Yeah it was scary and they were scary so we ran in our room. I almost shut the door on Sarah's bag 'cause I was haulin' ass to lock the door. Taking a shower was awkward 'cause I felt like some pervert put a camera in the bathroom.
After all that scary business we checked out the next day and headed to cute part of Madison woot woot. There was this cute bridge you had to cross to get into this town. We checked out every shop that seemed interesting. Sarah and I didn't really buy anything, but she got this sweet paper tree thing and it grew blooms or whatever. I don't know but it was crazies! We also got ice cream which was mentioned in the previous entry :P
Madison is like in levels. It's mountainy. Did i mention it's also very cute? haha I can't express that enough. I didn't get a good picture of it either, but here ya go =/
You can check out Google images here. That concludes our trip of Madison.
After arriving back in Louisville Kentucky we slept. The next day sometime in the afternoon we headed to Cincinatti Ohio to the Levee. I was driving and once we hit the city I was stressed. Jeeeeez. We shopped and that was about it.
END OF ROADTRIP #1 I can't wait to have another one! Maybe it will be further and an actual trip that people would seriously consider it as a "roadtrip."