NOT a meme

Nov 15, 2008 09:30

Wow, looks like I had a draft saved from goodness-knows when, but it was just a meme I stalled on.

Well, a post every five months isn't bad, right??


1. Glad I never wrote a list of things to do before I turn 30, cos I'd only have a week to do them in now.

2. Saw a couple of number plates on adjacent cars at the lights the other day... one had the letters "RPG" and the other had "WOD". A sign? *L* I tried to email the guy who used to run the Werewolf game I was in, before this, but no reply yet. May have to hunt online games myself.

3. We have a bird. Behold...

It's an Indian ring-necked parrot... one of my housemates' aunts has a breeding pair, this one's only 9 weeks old. And we won't know if it's a boy or a girl until it's 18 months old...! The bird's father is called Midori (he's green too), so someone decided this bird is going to be called Illusion. *L* I still call it "bird" though...

I've been crapped on twice so far... I'm sure they're the first of many. Birds seem to like pooing on me.

What else has been going on... the holiday to Queensland was gorgeous, I would love to live in a place where it's 30C every day.
Photos here:
Most of the pics are in the sub-albums to the left. I just had to visit Yorkeys Knob for the sake of the Superthread... *L*

Went to see a couple of bands...
Skipping Girl Vinegar was an odd one; the first opening act was quirky to the point of being ridiculous (instruments like the breathalyser keyboard thing, the infamous bear-frog toy, and assorted other gimmicks), the second opening act was okay but ALL THE SONGS SOUNDED THE SAME, and the singer had the vocal range of a mosquito. The boy-band-style vocals got damn irritating, so I was all pissed off when SGV took the main stage (a solid fifteen minutes after showing their new video clip on the little screens, which of course made us all expect them to come out right afterwards... no such luck). And it was their first album launch, so they were understandably jubilant (this is their home town, too), and I can understand wanting to thank everyone and their dog, but the main guy WOULD NOT SHUT UP. I swear, Bono's got nothing on this guy. He thanked everyone under the sun, and told us all lots of stories about all the songs... and again, nothing technically wrong with that, but I was there to hear the music, I was already pissed off, it was a Friday night and we were all tired, and I don't think we needed their stage time to be literally 50% yakking. And it's a shame, because I really do like their songs, but I was more cranky than anything else by the end of the night. I was going to buy their CD, but didn't. $30 seems steep for at-the-gig prices, and I wasn't that keen to get the little bonus canvas library bag.

Then I saw this band called This Is Your Captain Speaking last weekend... that was pretty good, although I'm starting to want to see a full-on rollicking proper rock 'n' roll show. If Dallas Crane tours I'll be there with bells on. This acoustic pop and post-rock/shoegaze/prog/whatever-the-hell-it-is stuff is all well and good, but there's not nearly enough bass in it. In fact, TIYCS had THREE guitarists, and a drummer who doubled as a glockenspielist and typewriter-er. No bass!! :(
And one of the opening acts (Because of Ghosts?) had a guy with yet ANOTHER of these breathalyser things (SGV had one too! Never seen them before, then pow, three in the space of a week), who reminded both André and I of Brian Eno. Maybe he's a nephew or something. *L*

Then last Sunday Mum and her friend and I went to see a performance of the Rocky Horror Show at the Comedy Theatre... that was good fun. And we got the Time Warp again at the end. :D (One of maybe two songs (the other being Mysterious Ways) guaranteed to make me want to dance. And Alison does not dance.)

Work is Bleh. I'm 30 mins late every day, but no one seems to care, and I always make up the time (and then some, probably, out of guilt). I'm just a little worried that it'll come back to bite me if some potential future employer rings this place for a reference, and they say, "Oh yeah, she's pretty smart but she's ALWAYS late". :-\

Bird is sleeping on my shoulder. Awww.

Oh, by the way, congrats to America for electing Mr Obama. And heartiest good luck wishes to him... don't envy anyone in that job right now.

We have stupid postal council elections. Who the hell cares?! Tempted to make my first ever donkey vote.

Need to collect my car from the mechanic in half an hour or so, it's getting its 180,000km service (okay, maybe 4,000km late, but still). Half of the pay I got on Thursday will probably disappear there, and the other half has already disappeared into the gaping hole left in my account by a year's worth of car insurance, which was direct debited THE DAY BEFORE I GOT PAID. Hello overdraft fee. *fumes*

Need to put UK form in. Need to prod people about birthday dinner attendance. Need to write. Need to clear out wardrobe. Need to practice.

*settles down for weekend of internet-related procrastination and bad posture*
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