The little things make all the difference

Feb 02, 2011 03:41

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Today was definitely a recharge day. with all the family drama and apartment chaos and appointments and sudden scares lately, I've not had much time to really... chill, aside from blocking everything out with a video game. Today though, I pulled out some old books I love, listened to new music, and read some new asian fairytales. It honestly feels like it's been forever since I've been content like this.

Really makes you put things in perspective, reading fairytales after.... all of this adult stuff recently. I love fairytales and folklore, enough that if putting that love into a paying career was possibly I'd do it in a heartbeat. Alas, society has lost it's love of such things with time, and any potential career choice involved with such things ends up being a labor of love rather then a job you can live off of from what I've heard.

Life is... slowly getting back on track, I hope. things are really chaotic back home, and I'm both thankful for being in my own place and saddened I can't be there to do more for my family when it's needed. I'm not sure how long things can go on like this, but we'll keep on trucking and try to figure out a way out from this rock and hard place situation. It's how we've always managed things, and we'll do it again, it will just take time and a lot of change.

All in all? I refuse to live past 90. Not after all this. I wouldn't chance putting my loved ones through this ever.

music, life, simple things

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