(no subject)

Nov 28, 2010 15:44

Missed the last two days~ think I’ll do the other one later today.

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now. BUT PROBABLY NEVER WILL.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession.

1. I love to discuss incredibly random things. I collect trivia.

2. I actually have early back problems. Some of my off days for RP are when it gets painful, I just choose not to elaborate because it‘s normal. It’s not anything really bad though, just unfortunate.

3. I collect timepieces and dream catchers. I have an entire wall covered in the latter.

4. I have foot in mouth syndrome. I word stuff badly, and tend to come off bad because of it. Though I am also bluntly honest, so that also might cause problems.

5. I do take criticism well, but if it’s given to me badly or in a rude manner I will not tolerate it and likely won’t reasonably take crit from that person again without getting pissed. You come off as pushy and choosy about what I do when you don’t approach me politely and I get angry as a result. It’s just how I am.

6. I’ve been role playing since I was 13. I’ve always found it enjoyable and a great way to relax.

7. I am horribly temperature sensitive.

8. I have a very… unique sense of humor. I will laugh at angst like no ones business, dramatic stories tend to amuse me somehow. For example, I laughed at Shakespeare’s Halmet and Othello and tend to summarize them humorously.

9. Actually very insecure about what people think of me. If I ask you if I’ve irked you, I‘m usually looking for an honest response.


So, what do half of these people advocating for Asberger research think they're doing?

Fix their kid's illness?! That's one way to speak of your children to help their self esteem, you jerks.

our country’s whole approach to ASD is wrong. While you're trying to cure it, you're inspiring your children to think there is something horribly wrong with them.

Believe it or not? Aspies tend to be smart, unique, and great mediators due to our distancing. It's a different way of looking at the world. Not a mental illness to be feared and cured like a plague.

It doesn't make us sociopaths, nutjobs, or anything like you keep wording things. Please, parental advocates, think before you speak. It’s giving your kids problems they don’t need in an attempt to help them. I approve of getting kids help, but not if you exploit them and speak of them in such a way.

The sad thing is, I’ve yet to meet more then a few people who word things correctly. None of them are these TV personalities or doctors you hear talking about it. Not even my own mother gets it.

meme, rl stuff

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