Oct 30, 2001 09:05
HEY everybody! How are you guys doing? Me i'm really good. I'm writing a letter to my BF in London, I don't know what the postage would be, but hopefully my dad will go to the post office for me when he goes to get his package send in the mail. I was trying to figure out the postage on line and stuff, but its like I don't know what it weights and stuff, I was getting frustrated at it and stuff. And I felt bad because I was talking to James(my BF in London) and told him and stuff and I guess it was making him a little upset to see me upset. Well i'm Sorry James about that I Love You very much!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait until Halloween its gonna be fun I hope. Well i'm running out of words to say and stuff. Well bye then!!!!!! I Love You james