Oct 28, 2001 09:53
HI GuYs!!!! How are you? Me i'm really good. Me and James are going out. We had a argument 2-day though about the guys that is 10 thats friend with James and James had blocked him and Lord Halk wanted me to invite James in to a Convo(chat-room) so Lord Halk could tell him sorry, so I put my 2 cents in and told James I think he should be nice and unblock Lord Halk after that he wasn't mad he said that I was only trying to do the right thing and not to tell him what to do again and then Lord Halk left and I then put 2 more cents in and told James he should be nice to him and then James got mad at me and then he did get mad at me. I was so upset I only tried to help I didn't mean for James to get mad at me. Lord Halk told him not to be mad at me cause of it, but he did get mad. And then later about 4:45pm or some here James came on We talked and stuff and then he said that he thinks we should only be friends, but I don't want to be just friends I Love him so much. So I said why don't we just 4 get about the whole Lord Halk thing and stuff and start over again. He said yes. I was so happy I thought I almost lost him as A boyfriend. We told each other that if I make him mad he'll tell me and if i'm unhappy with him or for some reason just unhappy about something to tell him we promised to tell each other that. I Love James so much, he's nice, caring, thoughtfully, and a really sweet guy to talk to. He's my sweetie! I Love him! Well i'm gonna go now bye Y'all!!!!!! James I......well you know that I love you and stuff. Bye!