Chocolate, Flags, Stars and Camping

Jul 29, 2005 19:21

So I'm a bit late on this update...
Anyway, I could sum my last extended weekend up in one word: Amazing.

I could, but I won't. Since when have I ever passed up a chance to write long-winded updates on good times? (Reminds me of a quote I love...something about how "when you write you get to live twice. In the moment and in the rememberance.)

Anyway, finally getting to the actual point of this update. Jon and David came down last Friday. I'd missed them so much (still do, but you get the point) We caught up with Steph in Danville and went to Los Tres (mexican restaurant) and to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Johny Depp is insanely creepy) Just "basked" after that. : P

Saturday we ended up waiting 'til Steph got off work before eating homemade Dumplins (So so good), playing trivial pursuit (which I happen to seriously suck at) and then heading back to my house. Stayed up for a long time (surprise surprise)

Sunday:Grandma fixed us lunch and then Jon and David threw knives outside for a bit. Steph and Jon went back to Danville and David stayed with me. I ignored the fact that I had band camp the next morning to stay up with David for a while (Which I might add was well worth any lost sleep)

Monday: Band camp from 8 to 4:15. Picked David up and we went by Big T to get some food (and a banana split-yay) before he came ans watched sectional practice. (not at all our best practice) And I must admit my productivity was nearly nonexistant through it. On to the fun part though...after we finished there (plus showers which are a must during band camp) we went camping in Steph's back yard. It was awesome! "God Kabobs" dancing/singing under stars, wishing on shooting stars, unexpected pillow fights, roasting marshmellows, enlightening convos ;-) I think you get the point. It was SO much fun!

Tuesday:Woke up late, watched movies, ate KFC, you get the point. basically just relaxed until 10 when we drove back to Chase City. Amazing weekend (I tried not to get down towards the end when I realized they had to leave and it would be 3 more weeks 'til I saw them all...but yeah not too sure it worked) Sang in the car on the way home. I already miss them like crazy...16 more days 'til the beach (that's my mantra: P )

Highlights in a nutshell:
God Kabob
Pillow Fight (haven't laughed that much in so long, don't think I could have stopped if I'd wanted to)
Shooting Star
JEW music
"Whatcha thinking?" Question and response/following pride
happy sleeping again
Camping/fire/Steph's susie homemaker set-up

Suffice to say, summed up in three words: So So Wonderful

fun, david, camping, steph, jon

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