well, got a couple of new yarn/kitten icons from the lj community khushi_icons....
I have been trying to finish this baby girl afghan for a friend for a while now. I can't seem to be satisfied w/it. I made all these big squares in pink & lavendar & I stitched them together & even added a border...technically done, except that I hated it. It was 2 rows of 4, & it didn't look right.
And then, I found one more square I made that the girls had carried off or something. So now I had 9, so I completely took apart what I had done, & rearranged the squares in 3 rows of 3. I picked a different scalloped border from a pattern book, & figured out how to adapt it. Hurray!
So you would think. I am on the last few stitches of the last row & I see that I have dropped a whole 3 stitch treble crochet cluster from the row before, a long way back. For those non-crocheters, it means a big hole where should not be one. So I am sitting here w/tons of things to do (laundry, dishes, etc....what if my friends drive by:), & I am contemplating taking the whole border out & re-doing it.
I never intended this project to stretch out this far. It was just something to do for a friend after I finished baby boy's afghan (that's right, I was working on this way back when I was pregnant). Both our babies are almost 4 months old, & I have not finished hers yet. This & all the squares were totally done before my baby was born. I has just been assembling them that has thrown me for a loop (I could not resist, ha ha).
I also wanted to blog about this cause my Big Fat Kitty now thinks this is her afghan, & she gave me a pitiful look when I kicked her off of it. She was pitty patting, all ready to curl up for a nice nap, too. She is the only kitty I let in most of the time now. The other 3 stay outside, they are more wild. Big Fat Kitty was 1st anniversary present from my husband & she is 11 yrs old. Here she is, as a baby on her afghan....