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Click me, Nigel! In other news:
Thursday night I went out with the guys from DofE (who I haven't seen since the start of October) to see Troy: The Panto, which was fantastic, although I don't remember the zombies appearing in the film, or The Illiad.... It wasn't as good as The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, though, which was last year's play.... Anyway, high comedy value!
On Friday I went to ballet! I went out the house twice, and it wasn't for school! Spoooooooooooooky! Anyway, I just walked up and said hi to everyone, and, and this is important, I handed in my forms for the show, so I'm not only taking part, I'm also auditioning for Cinderella or the Fairy Godmother! FEAR!!!!!
On Saturday, for no reason, mum and dad decided we should go out for a meal, which was nice - three days in a row! We missed the X Factor, but had recorded it, and shockingly, Tabby went out! So in the final are G4 (who we love) and Steve, who has no charisma, and has a really good voice, but sings the kind of songs that you get bored half way through. Tabby kicked ass, but now he's out, G4 must win! VOTE!!!! Also, anyone want to go on the tour? *bats eyelashes appealingly*
ON SUNDAY I SAW MARINA AGAIN!!!!!!!!! She's all lickle and cute, and soft, and smiley, and aaaaaaaaw! I got to hold her this time, under strict instructions not to kiss and infect her, and she fell asleep on my, and was nestling into me, and wow.... I think I've fallen in love with another baby.... One of these days, I will adopt her and Grace. Uhuh. *nods*
And that would be all.