Feb 06, 2005 01:56
Tonight Toddito and I saw Hotel Rwanda. It's late, and I'm tired and the subject is too vast to begin to say anything now, but let me just say this: What a fucking great movie. And no Best Picture nomination why? How? And yet, Finding Neverland?? I actually saw that silly, boring, worthless movie, with my excuse being that it was with Jason and it was late and we had missed the good movies. I barely remember what it was about. But Hotel Rwanda? Nope. I don't think I'll be forgetting that any time soon.
(I hope I don't have genocidal nightmares again like I did in college after reading "When Victims Become Killers" and "We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed along with our families.")
Like I said, I don't want to open the Hotel Rwanda can of worms just at this moment, but there is one thing to add. One action-oriented, perhaps positive thing, that I am thinking about while being confronted again with this horrific story. As most of you know, I have trouble making decisions. Often, I don't make them at all. One reason for this is that I don't want to act on too little information. Or act when it seems futile, like helping 5 people when 5000 are in need. I always want to "get at the root" of the problem, whatever that means. (I'm starting to think that THAT seems like more and more of an exercise in futility.)
But one thing this movie reminded me is that while helping or saving 5 people may not mean a lot, for those 5 people, it means everything.
And we are nothing if we don't try.