Apr 25, 2004 10:18
Last night, 1:45 am. Wild knocks on the front door as Mike and I are about to go to sleep. Mike: Up. Opens the door. Who is it? Blunt Matt from downstairs, alerting us in his drunken, excited state that MOBY
is upstairs, on the roof balcony. No explanation; runs off. ?? We wake up Aaron (who is alert and dressed in a surprising hurry). And up we go, tired as I was, for the chance of seeing a star. Not any star, but a star who helped point me in the direction of veganism (from his essays on his album covers)....a star whose music I had listened to over, and over, and over, with my sister, my dad, my friends, back in the day....a star whose song "God moving over the face of the waters" still makes me think of Justine's mom's funeral, as it is what Kelly and Laurie and I listened to as we drove up, up, up to the burial, and the clouds seemed to stretch forever.
Enough with the words! The point is, MOBY was there, no shitting you, as WhiteJosh thought we were doing when we called him to let him know. He looked just like you'd think; like a caricature of himself--bald, with just a little stubble all over his face and head....green hooded sweatshirt, which he often pulled up around his head....square black framed glasses....small chin...skinny....almost awkward looking. Mike thought he had no game. I thought Mike was full of shit. Moby smiled at me. And his arm hit my arm. And he asked Aaron to open his beer for him. And I thought about talking with him, about saying something, something about the veganism maybe...but I knew how silly and pathetic and shitballs, I'm not even fucking vegan anymore. And did I actually want to talk wtih him? Well, it would've been kinda cool, I guess. Just to see what came out of his mouth. Could have been a big letdown. Hot blondes were all over him. Truthfully, it was just fun to be there. He danced a little. We listened to Prince. There were 17 year olds who showed up by accident, following some girl in from outside cause they thought she was hot and she apparently didn't realize they were 17. Who knew that following hot girls you don't know around can lead to partying with rockstars?