Jan 22, 2007 07:46
Good Morning... I think I am going to come out of my hole for a bit to catch up....
GO COLTS!!!! I am a huge football fan and I can't believe that we are finally going to the SUPERBOWL!!!!! I watched every second of the game! I didn't want to give up on them. DH was in the other room studying and with 24 seconds left on the clock I went and asked him if he wanted to watch the end with me! LOL!
Anyway, we had a nice weekend. DH has class three nights a week right now and on top of that has study groups, time away for studying and also works 40+ hours a week so things have been very stressed lately. Hopefully, after this semester, we'll be back to class two nights a week. Anyway, this weekend, we dropped Jake off at MIL and FILs in Chicago and we headed up to Milwaukee for DH's college friends' annual Festivus party. We got NO sleep but had fun. It was nice to laugh so much with DH. I drove the entire way there and all the way back so I was BEAT! But I got to take a small nap when we got home.
Jake: He is almost potty trained. We are not pushing the issue but he takes himself and poops and pees in the potty about 50 percent of the time at home, and 90 percent of the time at school. I am so proud of him! Jake's birthday party is this saturday. We are having it at the place where he takes gymnastics. We are having 10 kids and I rented two bouncers. Jake wanted another train cake this year so I am using the Williams Sonoma cake pan and each child will get his or her own train cake. For the adults, I think I am just going to order a sheet cake from somewhere. I am working so much that I just don't have time.
TTC: I am trying to stay positive about the two cycles that our RE is letting us try. DH is going out of town in the middle of this cycle, and we will probably be going on vacation next month, so we probably won't be using meds for two or three more cycles. I am just trying to live my life and not think too much about things. I need to call the RE and let him know I am in my next cycle but let him now about the delay with using the meds. DH and I talked about adoption this weekend. I just don't know. It's hard to think aobut going thru all of that when I don't know what will happen. I thank God that we have Jake, but it doesn't diminish the fact that I want to give birth to another child. I know many people don't understand that, but I also think that they probably haven't been thru this.
Anyway, I am doing ok. I have been struggling with depression. I think the TTC stress, DH never being home, and the winter blues have just got me. I am still working out and am finally seeing changes in my body!
Well we need to get going to the gym. I've been reading along and will try to do a better job of posting and repsonding to other peoples journals