Book Review: Delete this at your peril. Bob Servant

Jan 22, 2008 09:14

Amazon review:
I have been deleting those strange e mail requests to 'help out African Princes by simply letting them fill my account with their money', for years. If only I had seen the potential, I could have made this hilarious book! 'Delete This at your peril' is a very clever and funny book. It is based on the theme that the internet spammers will do ANYTHING to get you to e mail your bank details, (including promises of sending talking animals from Africa to Scotland!). I hope there is a second book, as not only is it funny, it is great to see someone getting one over these spamming crooks. Miss getting this book at your peril!

I *loved* this book! It made me laugh out loud so much that my husband got really annoyed last night when we were in bed and he couldn't share the joke.
I too wish I had thought of this before, rather than deleting the mindless spam that arrives. He must have spent a lot of time thinking up the imaginative responses to the requests for his bank account details, and he very cleverly leads the spammers into a two-way exchange without actually providing what they wanted.
I think he does confess that most of them were written we he came home from the pub, but even so his imagination and wit need to be channelled into another book :-)
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