Feb 08, 2004 12:41

Alright I had a dream:

I was stranded on an deserted island with nine other people and I apparently knew them all. The reasosn we were stranded was because there were killer sting rays and killer sharks in the water and on the island, spiders would randomly attack us by the million. Well here is the premise, I am there with everyone else and we are trying to figure out how we can get off. All if us are huddled in the empty house that is on the island, we are trying to look for clues that wil aid us with a safe departure from the island, then out of no where the million spiders decend upon the house, all ten of us go running out of the house in fear, the spiders are a really bright blue color, that almost have a glowing quality. One of the men in the group fall behind and the spiders encompass his body and are no longer trying to follow us. Now the nine of us find ourselves near a cave and in the cave we find writing it says, "megalithic structures are where to go." Now this is where we get a plan, we decide that I should go with one of the women and search the island for a megalithic structure. We serach the island for hours and start to walk the shoreline when we notice a smaller island real close to ours and the island is devoted to four HUGE wooden chairs. They point the four cardinal directions adn on one of the chairs there is a big arrow pointing East, the woman I was with suggests a nice swim to the island and I am like, " NO

This is where I wake up, during the dream I actually knew everyones name, but now I cannot and I think there were more mini adventures, but those have gone blurry as well. If someone thinks they can tell me the meaning of my dream then go at it.

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