It's relatively short for now...
Lots of explicit sex
Grace Improbably. A story written for the Yuletide challenge.
Fire (part one) Fire (part 2) Fire (part 3)Tom is the frontman in an Irish band. When Kasabian comes to Dublin, he gets to meet Serge. Explicit sex
Mala vida : A reincarnation fic... Space fic... Crossover with DV
Send me an angel to love: Serge and Tom meet in 19th century London
Bandom (?) crossovers
What if... Twice is a charmHeartfelt apologies to Chris Martin. I'm so sorry. I couldn't help.
The gig (part one) The gig (part 2)Young Kasabian have some friends.... Crossover with Drake's venture. It's hard to understand why such a crossover should happen if you don't know the other fandom.
Good CharlotteTom and Serge remember a previous life...
Stuff that could happen, given a chance.
Five times Sergio Pizzorno fucked Tom Meighan Written for the Yuletide challenge.
Green eyesI like Jay; what can I say?
Jay's nightI do like Jay, really.
God put a smile upon your faceIt's a PWP. I write a lot of those.
Birthday giftAnother PWP. It's Tom's birthday...
Wishing upon a star Short