i havent posted in a long time but i need your help! if you could please fill out this survey that I have created. Your answers are 100% confidential. However, I will be using the data I collect in my research paper.
Thank you for participating in this survey! Please answer honestly! Your answers will be used as part of my research!
1) How old
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2) What type of magazine would you typically read: Teen or Gourmet Food?
Teen magazines, for sure.
3) What are the names of the magazines you typically read?
Teen Vogue, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Enquirer, anything with celeb gossip.
4) Have you ever followed diet tips from the particular magazine you chose? Which ones?
Not all the way through. Ive thought about trying those "Celebrities Diet Secrets" but i don't think they're legit.
5) In your opinion, what type magazine would provide healthier diet tips? Why?
Probablly one of those fitness magazines. I mean sure, these teen magazines can show you how to eat healthier but theyve always got all these ad's about pills to take, where you dont need a diet or excersise to get fit. And teen magazines just want all their readers to be a size 2, healthy or not.
6) Are teen magazines harmful or helpful? Why
Theyre helpful if youre into the celeb gossip but i dont think they actually help with any real problems in the world. I mean what is Lauren Conrad (who writes for Teen Vogue) going to tell you about obesity in america?
7) Are Gourmet food magazines harmful or helpful? Why?
I don't really know about gourmet food magazines. im sure theyre helpful in making america fat, but i would hope that they are putting effort into making healthier choices for recipies.
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