Гостеприимство по-русски

Aug 11, 2013 04:30

Недавно один мой виртуальный знакомый попросил помочь организовать культурную программу для японки, которая уже много лет работает переводчицей в Америке. Случилось так, что во время беседы по Скайпу жена виртуального знакомого между прочим пригласила японку в гости в Петербург. Мне пришлось отказать, т. к. я уехала с детьми отдыхать. Вчера японка прилетела.
Вот что из этого вышло:

"Hi Alevtina,
I'm so sorry to inform you of this but I got in a trouble with N. In short, he got handcuffed and taken out by the police.

We did a nice sightseeing together. He showed up this morning around noon with scratch marks on his face. He didn't tell me right away but told me later that it was done by his wife. He was drinking all day, starting with beer, 3 glasses of vodka, and another glass with beer in the evening. After we ate light dinner, I saw watermelons at a street vender and I told him that I want it but don't want the whole thing. Then he said he would help me eat it. So I bought a watermelon and also bought a bottle of vodka and a bottle of wine for me. We came back to the hotel and started eating and drinking. Then he started saying that he doesn't want to go home. I thought it was because of his wife because they had a bad fight since last night. I could see he was getting drunk so I kept telling him to go home. Then he started to coming on to me. When I said no, he started saying the F word so I gave him a bag of gifts I prepared for him and his family and told him to go home, but he took it and threw it away from the window. I told him to leave. He was leaving but he tried to take me with him, so the hotel receptionist came to help me. We tried to convince him to leave but he was getting more agressive and threw vodka in his glass at the receptionist and tried to drag me into the room. So the receptionist called the police. The police tried to convince him too, but he didn't want to leave and got a little physical with the officers. So they handcuffed him and took him away.
I gave the receptionist 1000 ruble for her trouble, but she gave it back to me. She did not understand any English but was very nice and protective of me.
When the police took N. away, he left his briefcase behind him.
I am so sorry to tell you this and I feel so stupid to let him in the room and started drinking together. I am ashamed of my mistake, but I thought I needed to tell you about what happened.
The police just came back and took the briefcase N. left at the hotel. They were very nice to me even though I didn't understand anything they said to me. Most Russian people I met so far are all very nice.
Despite this experience, I will continue to make the most of my stay here. I have already blocked N. here on (...). It's such a shame that it turned out to be this way and I have to end the 3 year friendship with him.
I met you through N. which I am really glad about. I hope to continue to be friends with you.
Really sorry about this. I wish you and your family a wonderful time there.

культурная столица, дикие нравы, русская душа, гостеприимство, алкоголь, иностранцы в россии

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