Doing What You Love

Mar 25, 2010 22:36

I feel like it's been ages since I've approached this place.  Well, it has been a pretty long time.

It's been two years, and I'm two years older.  It feels good to be able to say that.  College has been good to me, and I must say that I love my life more now than I used to.  Sure, things get pretty difficult, especially with roommates and all that jazz, but I've been incredibly lucky to have such good friends.

What inspired me to come back here is the fact that I just watched Julie & Julia.  The idea of blogging is something that I find quite inspiring, simply because it's an easy way for me to put my thoughts out there.  I'm not sure that many people will care about them, though, so I decided to start here.  I'm going to work my courage up to a real blog.  To be honest, though, I don't think I really care at this point if anyone does ever read anything I post like this.  I don't need people online to validate my feelings; I have friends who live with me who can do that.  Blogging is just a completely different animal from writing stories, and I think it would be a good idea to broaden my horizons a little.

The point is for me to do what I love.  I love to write.  I might be an Accounting major, but my heart lies with a pencil and piece of paper.  Or, my trusty laptop.  I'm not too picky.  Which brings me to this question:  If I'm supposed to do what I love, why does everyone around me, including that little voice in my head, continually push me to do something I like in order to have a secure future?  In other words, why can't I just be a writer instead of being an accountant or whatever I'll be when I get out of school.  At the moment, I'm just hoping for a job.  But, the economy is beside the point at the moment.  The point is:  why am I not focusing on doing what I love in favor of something I just like?

I can already answer that for myself.  I do want to make money.  I want to be able to fend for myself, and I would much rather be doing something I like than something I hate, such as being a waitress or some menial job like that.  However, I still live with the hopes that I might get published before I leave school.  That would be quite the accomplishment in my book.  I already have a piece of work that, while it is certainly not ready to be published by anyone, I believe it could be one day.  It will take a ton of work, but just the fact that it has a beginning and an end is a huge step for me.  I have yet to finish a piece of original fiction.  I have started many, discarded some completely, and all the rest are gathering dust in the corners of my mind while I try to focus on understanding Statistics.

I guess I'll have to take it one day at a time.  Which, brings me to the reason of why I'm posting once again.  I'm going to attempt to post here every day and chronicle the journey of my life, one boring day after the other.  Maybe I won't always focus on what's happening in the immediate world; I think a lot about people and things outside of my realm of influence, and while I might not be the smartest person in the world or the funniest, I think I could have something to offer.  I doubt it, but I can hope for small miracles, right?

For now, I'll settle for a little space to write.


julie & julia, life, job, college, money, future, writing

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