Wow: A friend of mine whose interests can be summarised as "Jack Bauer, Naruto, Dragon Ball, Death Note, Jack Bauer" told me that a North American Dragon Ball Z movie is in the works.
Even more wow: A live action film.
Even even more wow: Rumors say that James Marsters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame (he played Spike) is a main cast member. IMDB claims that he's going to be playing
Piccolo. He certainly has the glare down pat, but he needs more buff. And green.
Craziest part: My local newspaper claims that
it's going to be filmed here.
A live action DBZ film. I never thought someone would make one. How are they going to make the rippling muscles and arteries? How long will the movie be if all the fights take 2 hours to complete 10 minutes worth of fighting?!