Here is part 2. It references Midnight, and Journey's End, and as I said previously, I may have gotten things a little wrong. Not really sure. All other pertinent notes are in the AN of part 1.
As always, I don't own Ten, Donna, Ten II, or Doctor Who. The BBC does. Please read and enjoy...
Theta Sigma )
I always knew there was a simple fix to the Meta-Crisis, if only the Doctor hadn't panicked and resorted to the worst case scenario. As many people have said, why didn't he just ask the TARDIS!?
Now, on to Part 3! :D
The Doctor panicked a little too much. The TARDIS would have helped, I'm sure.
I'm glad you liked it. Thank you so much for the comments.
~Ali ♥
So now they are all Time Lords... I wonder exactly how River fits into all of this now. She definitely knew his name and has regeneration capabilities. Hmmm....
Sigma sandwich, I love that one!
They are all Time Lords. It may be left up to readers to decide how River fits in now. =P
Sigma sandwiches are the best. *snort*
Thank you for the comments. =)
~Ali ♥
Love the Sigma sandwich... *snicker*
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