Aug 29, 2008 14:19
well, senior year is off to a homework-rich, booze-fueled start.
being myself, i volunteered to do the first presentation (read: MONDAY) in my philosophy senior seminar. of course, it turns out the reading was Aristotle, who i kind of....don't like. mainly because more than any other philosopher i have a hard time wading through him. he uses a lot of words that, while different in greek, translate to the same word in english. so you have the word "judge" or "good" in a sentence four times, and each time it means something different. especially that squirrelly little "good" motherfucker, which is what he's inquiring into the nature of. and he's a convoluted inquirer, full of tangents and rants and odd little sprouts of ideas that send you down some crazy crazy road, and then he jerks you back to his previous argument two paragraphs before. luckily i am already through my second run of the nicomachean ethics (first book only thank god) and the magna moralia and the eudemian ethics segments total like four pages together. so i should have all of that read and in my head fermenting before dinner, and then i can sit down and start writing out his arguments, which i have to summarize, and my counterpoints, concerns, and comments.
anyway. also i have a book to read for monday (short, luckily: oroonoko by behn), another philosophical essay to read for tuesday, and i have to write a two page nonfiction essay about a death i caused, observed, or heard about--also due monday. AND i want to go to bloomington tomorrow night meaning all this has to happen ten minutes ago.
and as for the booze---well, there was the crazy canada party weekend, which i got back from on sunday. monday night was my friend molly's birthday, so we went to the bars ( the duck and toppers) and the toppers bartender gave the entire group free jagerbombs AND tequila shots. except that no one was drinking the dozen or so jagerbombs, and as we didn't want to hurt his feelings molly, christina, and i gallantly did our god damn duty and drank them. mmm. then tuesday night we had a wine and cheese party with anjali. and then wednesday molly and i went to bloomington to hang out with the crew down there and go to a concert (read: molly only brought one ID so we couldn't get into the bar where the concert was, so we bought rum and mojito mix and went back to a friend's house and drank it up).
and last night was SOBER, and tonight will be too.
my roomies and i are going to take a goodwill study break soon. gotta get together my donation.