Aug 10, 2004 22:53
We just came back from seeing King Arthur at the AMC. It was terribly rainy out and we got soaked both on the way there and back but it was an excellent evening. The 97 comes right in front of our appartment which is very very convienient. The movie was not what I expected at all but it was still very good. There have been so many war movies now that it seems they are all very much the same. Battle-wise at least. I thought Troy was absolutely amazing. They were so creative with tactics and choreography. All the knights were cool in Arthur. Ghallahad, the big guy and the weird guy were my favorite. I love 'I miss you' by Blink. I wish I could play the Cello. I feel inspired at the moment. I really feel like writing but I don't know if I want to start something new or add to an existing story. I'm going to go figure that out.