Oct 16, 2004 00:13
Nice to be back in the lj game. Feels good to be doing something somewhat worthwhile with my computer time. (not that I'd need to be wasting time on the computer if Suzan would hurry the @#$@#$ up home) I need a digital camera though. My friend sent me to facethejury.com the other day and I only have one 2 year old pic of me that's about a square inch big. It's a site where you post your pic and people rate you. I just read someones post about the Jet Li movie Hero and I'm dying to see it. For English oral presentation we've had open topic and a few people did martial arts and ever since I've been all hyped again. I watched Fist of Legend at drew's and it was pretty awesome. I swore of cheasy kung fu flicks for about a year but now I'm all up for them. Just have to find the movies and the time. I've already been up to much messing with my journal. I like sleep but why does it have to be necessary ALL THE TIME.