Sorry that this was late. Didn't have time to post last night after finishing work. I will try now to get the last chapter up tomorrow, with any luck.
By: Alilacia
Rating: PG13
Feedback: Either at my email address: or here at LiveJournal
Spoilers: None that I can think of. In fact, this story is pretty much entirely AU, so I doubt it. I shall let you know if there is.
Beta reader: Ying
I do not own Lord of the Rings, or anything to do with the film or books. That honour goes to Peter Jackson (et all) and J.R.R Tolkien. I have no permission what so ever to use these characters, will not receive any money for this, and I am doing this for my own enjoyment. And to pass the time between working during the day.
Note: The Characters (and concept of) Dehlfalhen and Glamferaen were created by Cassia and Siobhan and they were kind enough to let me borrow them for this story.
The story in which they were first introduced was called Siege of Dread and is posted here: Again, these characters (and concept) are not mine, and if one wishes to use this (or any of the characters or concepts from the Mellon Chronicles series) email Cassia at or Siobhan at
Edit: Have also just been informed (thanks Cassia :D) that Saelons are indeed another invention of Cassia and Sio. So all the above wording applies to them as well.
Also, I am by no means fluent in Sindarin. Any faults are my own. I'm still learning :-)
"Strider, you have to understand a lot of things. There is much that I cannot tell you, much that only they can tell you. If you can find them. Only know that there was a darkness within them that they had been fighting with for so long, and when they found his body lying there..."
Events put into motion, the beginning of the end started long before it could be stopped. In all his years he had never considered what the loss of one life could have on the world, none of them had. It should have come to no surprise to him really, that when a pivotal figure was lost forever that his life was turned upside down, and nothing was the same again.
And do you know what the worst part was... it really was all his fault.
Part Fourteen - Just reach out, take my hand
"Those dark clouds may surround you.
But together we'll be strong.
When hope is gone and all is lost,
Just reach out - take my hand.
I'll be there - I'll be your man.
Depend on me."
- Depend on me, Bryan Adams.
In all his years, Elladan had genuinely forgotten what despair truly felt like. He had only felt all encompassing despair only twice in his life before now and the feelings and emotions hit him hard.
The tears dripped from his face, mingling with the blood of his brother as he called out brokenly, begging his brother to return. His eyes slipped shut and a ragged sob spilled past his lips as his calls got no answer.
Resolve bubbled up inside him as he felt his brother’s blood pooling under his fingers. Placing his hands on Estel's heart, he poured his strength and love into the cooling body. The memories of those he cared about strengthened him and he hoped they too would help Estel return to them.
His spirit reached out, seeking out a bright flame in a void of all encompassing darkness. All he had was the hope that his brother’s fëa had not yet fled to where he could not follow. As the minutes passed, anguish began to tighten its hold on his heart and a ragged sob spilled over his lips. Still, he did not stop trying and eventually he felt the warmth of his brother’s soul brush up against his own. Hope welled up for a moment and a single tear snaked down his flushed face. Beneath him, although his battered body did not stir, a matching tear traced down Aragorn's face.
"Tolo, Estel, tolo dan nan ngalad. Saes, tolo dan an Imladris, ammen, gwanur. Come, Estel, come back to the light. Please, come back to Imladris, to us, your brothers." Speaking out with his voice and with his mind, Elladan gently cradled his brother’s spirit and pulled it back to the world of the living. He could feel his own body weakening and redoubled his efforts. He was not going to lose Aragorn now, not because he was not strong enough.
Legolas only sat still long enough to let Elrohir place a make-shift bandage onto his shoulder. Then he rose to his feet, heading to where he heard the voices cry out earlier. If Elrohir was that determined to help him, he would have to follow him.
Elrohir groaned and followed Legolas through the trees. He stopped before he slammed into Legolas' back and peered around the prince's shoulder. The sight before him chilled his blood. He could feel the tremors running through Legolas' body. His legs felt weak and he stumbled forwards, falling to his knees beside his brothers.
Elladan's eyes were closed and his face was pale. Estel's blood was still running against his fingers as the elf worked to stop the bleeding and to call his brother back. The bond they had suddenly flared to life when Elrohir rested his hand on Elladan's shoulder.
He could feel how the efforts to reach Estel were draining his brother but before Elrohir could even begin to help, it was all over.
Horror and a deep hurt Legolas couldn't even put a name to had swelled up in his heart and Legolas couldn't bring himself to fight the tears that swelled in his eyes. This was the very moment he had been dreading, awaiting, for decades now. Legolas closed his eyes, willing other memories of Estel to surface in his mind. He did not want this to be the last image of Estel that he had.
His eyes snapped back open when he heard Elrohir gasp.
Legolas' eyes widened as Elrohir's eyes slipped shut and he looked down to where Elladan's hand pressed into Estel's skin. His human friend still looked dead, his skin ashen, but the skin around the wound seemed to be sparkling.
As Legolas watched, Elladan drew his fingers away and rested them on Estel's chest. The torn skin at Estel's neck gradually turned a bright red and the two sides slowly knitted together. The skin returned to its normal colour just as Elladan slumped back into his brother’s arms and Estel arched up off the ground.
The human sucked in shuddering breaths, his body trembling with the sudden desire to breathe. His eyes snapped open, his gaze confused, and the first thing he saw was his brother slumped in his twins grasp, not moving and his eyes were closed.
A rush of panic spread through Aragorn and he tried to speak... move... tried to find the voice to beg his brother to open his eyes. He turned beseeching eyes towards Legolas. The elf quickly moved next to the twins, leaning forwards and blocking them from Aragorn's view. Aragorn looked concerned, and still confused, at the tears in his friend's eyes, but Legolas did not give him time to say anything.
"Rest now, my friend, you have been through a lot." Aragorn saw him quickly glance over his shoulder. "They are fine. They will heal." Legolas looked him in the eyes again and a relieved smile spread over his face. "Oh, mellon nín, I am so glad to see your eyes again." Tears once again spilled over his cheeks, this time in relief, as he realised once again that Aragorn had been returned to those who cared for him. He supposed that it might have been a little selfish of him, wishing to keep Estel here for just one more day, but at that moment he would have defied the Valar themselves if it meant that he got to hear Estel laugh and see the next day with his brothers by his side. He heard the twins finally moving beside him and didn't care what the next day would bring. He knew that whatever it was, they would all face it together, and right now he was content with the fact that Aragorn was alive and breathing in his arms.
Drawing Aragorn into a tight hug - mindful of his injuries and the fact that he was still weak - he smiled and let all his hurt and pain drain from his body. There was a shuffling sound and two sets of arms wrapped around the two friends. Together the four sat, unmindful of time for a moment. This moment nearly hadn't happened and for three of the group, the painful lesson of mortality had been branded into their minds. For the last, he sat engulfed in the protective embrace of those that cherished him.
But even this could not cast away the last vivid image that refused to leave his mind. He scrunched his eyes shut and gradually the memory of Elladan slicing the dagger into his neck faded.
It was well into the next morning that the group collapsed. Elladan and Elrohir had been the least hurt out of the four and had spent hours treating Legolas and Estel for their injuries.
Estel had a few more scars from this latest battle, most of them formed on his heart and soul. He longed more than anything for his room. For his home.
The other three elves also shared this desire, and they stayed here long enough to be well enough to travel.
"Come, let us leave this place. It is too dark to linger here for long." The others nodded in agreement to Elrohir's words. It was early morning and the sun was trying to shine out past a layer of thin cloud. The air was a little chilly and a brisk wind was just starting to pick up. Aragorn rubbed his arms a little, moving closer to his brothers. Elladan hooked an arm over the ranger’s shoulders, pulling his younger brother in close.
As they left Fangorn forest behind, Legolas found himself wondering at the tales he had heard about what lived in that wood. He hadn't seen any of it that night, and had been too preoccupied to recognise the beauty. Now, he was overcome with the desire to enter the woods for himself and see all the beauty of the forest floor. He didn't even realise that he had slowed his steps until Aragorn had called out to him.
"Becoming slow in your old age?"
Legolas turned around and spared the human a small glare. Despite Aragorn's words, he could see the human was concerned about him and why he had almost stopped.
"Legolas will never get old." Elrohir's voice spared him from answering. "He'll always be young and childish." Legolas glared at the younger twin this time as his comment sparked off a teasing argument between the three brothers. With one ear on the 'argument' before him, he turned back to look at the mysterious forest once more. He briefly touched out to the trees with his mind, left a small promise, and withdrew before they could answer.
One day, I shall return. And the light of the Eldar shall shine through the branches. This forest will be restored.
The group had stopped for their last overnight camp before they reached Imladris. The journey back had been hard and the elves were glad to see the lights from the Last Homely House shining brightly out through the trees. All however were too exhausted to even consider travelling the last few hours to get home and were content with seeing the lights shining out at them, guiding them back.
They had already been travelling for just over two weeks to get this far and has settled into the higher branches of the trees. Elrohir, having nearly lost his brother outside Fangorn forest, was lying along a branch with his head in Elladan's lap. The elder twin was fast asleep, his hand resting gently on his twins head. He had chosen to sit close to Estel. The underlying fear that Estel might disappear hadn't left the older twin and he subconsciously had been lingering close to Estel since they had started the journey back.
Estel for his part was just happy to have his brothers back and did not mention their behaviour.
Legolas settled back and let the family have their time together. Sitting on one of the higher branches, the elf watched as a half-asleep Elladan pulled Estel to rest against his side before the elf allowed sleep to tighten its hold on him again. Aragorn's head tipped to rest again Elladan's shoulder and the change in position did not wake Aragorn from his sleep. He looked one more time at the sleeping family and then shifted to lie with his back along the large branch. One leg was bent at the knee, his booted foot resting against the bark, while the other was hanging over the edge. He tipped his head back and his eyes sought out the brightest star in the night sky. He began to sing quietly in the night.
He watched over the reunited family long into the brightening of the sky and the beginning of the day.