By: Alilacia
Rating: PG13
Feedback: Either at my email address: erynlasgalenuk@yahoo.co.uk or here at LiveJournal
Spoilers: None that I can think of. In fact, this story is pretty much entirely AU, so I doubt it. I shall let you know if there is.
Beta reader: Ying
I do not own Lord of the Rings, or anything to do with the film or books. That honour goes to Peter Jackson (et all) and J.R.R Tolkien. I have no permission what so ever to use these characters, will not receive any money for this, and I am doing this for my own enjoyment. And to pass the time between working during the day.
Note: The Characters (and concept of) Dehlfalhen and Glamferaen were created by Cassia and Siobhan and they were kind enough to let me borrow them for this story.
The story in which they were first introduced was called Siege of Dread and is posted here:
http://www.aragorn-legolas.5u.com/SoD.htm Again, these characters (and concept) are not mine, and if one wishes to use this (or any of the characters or concepts from the Mellon Chronicles series) email Cassia at cassia60097@yahoo.com or Siobhan at siobhan3cl@aol.com
Edit: Have also just been informed (thanks Cassia :D) that Saelons are indeed another invention of Cassia and Sio. So all the above wording applies to them as well.
Also, I am by no means fluent in Sindarin. Any faults are my own. I'm still learning :-)
"Strider, you have to understand a lot of things. There is much that I cannot tell you, much that only they can tell you. If you can find them. Only know that there was a darkness within them that they had been fighting with for so long, and when they found his body lying there..."
Events put into motion, the beginning of the end started long before it could be stopped. In all his years he had never considered what the loss of one life could have on the world, none of them had. It should have come to no surprise to him really, that when a pivotal figure was lost forever that his life was turned upside down, and nothing was the same again.
And do you know what the worst part was... it really was all his fault.
Part Five - Promises
Hours passed.
Time was a fickle thing. It could either heal, or deepen wounds. In this case, it appeared to be cutting ever deeper, slowly slicing at the hearts and souls of two people. One he was looking at now, wishing he could do more.
When he had first seen Legolas the words "is everything alright?" had formed, but died on his tongue. The look on the younger elf's face was wretched, depression and raw agony carved into each and every line of his face.
After a few moment of watching Legolas sink further and further into misery, he had softly asked what was wrong. Legolas had not answered, retreating into himself more. Tears drying and fresh shone on his face and Glorfindel desperately wished to press further.
But instead he left. A sigh spilled past his lips as he found Mudas, and then Erestor, and requested that both spread the word that Legolas was not to be disturbed. Although neither questioned him on it, they were both confused by it. Glorfindel wished he could give them some answers.
Needing to clear his head, he looked once more at the door before he made his way to the library, hoping that that was not muffled sobs he barely heard.
Slightly calloused fingers trailed over the very same painting which had captured an elf's attention not long before. The words from that conversation were still ringing in his head, and try as he might he couldn't get rid of them.
Nor could he get rid of the burning feeling of guilt that had settled inside of him.
Things were now strained between them. You would have had to be blind not to see it. Deep in his heart, he wished for the chance for things to return to how they were.
When he was known as Strider, a simple ranger that wandered the wilds. And he had the greatest friend he could ever hope to have walking by his side.
But, despite the years and the changes that deepened the rift between them, he couldn't deny that Legolas had sought him out several times. Had forged new ties between them. And had told him all the things he had been wondering since he had arrived. Even if the news he had delivered was dark indeed, Estel could not deny the flicker of hope that said there was perhaps a way their friendship could be salvaged. Could once more return to the strength it was all those years ago.
The human was now refusing to even think in depth about the news delivered earlier, did not even want to think about it at all. For a long time, he had wallowed in the darkness of his thoughts. Had drifted in the depression and allowed it to carry him away.
The mere thought of living without his ada, it was a wound that cut too deep. Aragorn was fairly sure that if he had been an elf, he would have perhaps faded away from grief by now. Or sought solace in the Undying Lands.
But he was no elf, and the Undying Lands were as elusive to him as the immortality he once craved as a child.
He was a human, and he would have to deal with the pain that had settled into his heart. He would simply have to survive one day at a time.
Hurt settled in deeply, and he wondered once again where Elladan and Elrohir were. He missed his brothers. He also wondered if Arwen had indeed sailed like he feared.
He remembered what Legolas had told him, how his brothers had left to search him out. But where could they have gone? Soon after the conversation, Aragorn had pleaded with Glorfindel to send out scouts. At first, Aragorn had wanted to go and search for his brothers himself, but Glorfindel argued against it. Then, Aragorn had seen that there was something that Glorfindel hadn't told him. A certain fear in his words. Please, do not go searching for them. Too many have been lost.
It still hurt that no-one had told him right away about Lord Elrond, about everything. Some part of him was glad, there had been a brief period of time where he was ignorant and had believed his father was waiting for him just out of reach.
He was waiting, but he was too far out of reach and was not waiting for him.
A shudder passed through his body, and he felt his legs tremble. He had to rest against the wall for a moment, gathering his strength. Eventually, he could stand no more and had to sit down. Drawing in deep breath after deep breath, he tried to calm himself. A lone tear snaked out from under tightly-closed eyes, and his breath became ragged. Material was grabbed and twisted in tense fingers. Aragorn bent over and rested his head in his hands. He didn't know what to do.
Despite the friends he knew that he had here, he felt so alone.
And he needed something more.
He resisted all attempts that Legolas made to start a conversation. Everyone around them could see that something was wrong, and an apprehensive silence filled the Main Hall. Glorfindel shared a look with Erestor from across the table. Erestor nodded in return. If need be, both elves would tackle either the elf or the man and get them to talk to each other. It had been long enough.
Aragorn rose first, after minutes of pressing his food around his plate. All appetite had left him and an odd feeling churned in his stomach. Nausea briefly surged through him and he swallowed thickly. On shaky legs, he fled the room.
Legolas almost rose to follow him, but sank back down into his seat. Everyone's heart went out to the elf as they watched once more as hurt settled over his features, swiftly followed by guilt.
Glorfindel shook his head, walking silently to Legolas' side. He pitched his words so only the younger elf would hear.
"Go, my friend. Go after him."
Legolas shook his head. "I will not. I cannot." He turned despairing eyes onto the wooden door that Aragorn had left through. "He has made it clear that he wishes never to speak to me again. I understand and respect his decision."
"No matter how much it is tearing you up inside." Glorfindel's voice was soft. He rested his hand on Legolas' arm, only speaking again when Legolas met his gaze. The elf's eyes were shining with unshed tears. "He is hurting and so are you. Do not blame yourself, mellon nín, please. None of this was your fault. The twins may not be here to knock some sense into that thick skull of yours, but that doesn't mean that I won't."
Glorfindel's words got the small smile that he desired and he straightened. Stepping back from the table, he pointed at the doors with his eyes. He returned his gaze to Legolas. Legolas nodded back, rising from the table. All the eyes unwittingly followed him as he fled from the room as quickly as he could without running.
Glorfindel settled back into his seat with a sigh.
For the remaining occupants of the room, speech was a long time in returning.
As much as he wished to just run and seek Aragorn out, Legolas knew all too well that he had to think first. Guilt, unnecessary or not, was still flooding his heart. While he knew that he would never be entirely rid of it, he hoped to face Aragorn with a clear head.
He hoped that Aragorn would stay inside the grounds. He was also fairly confident that Aragorn would eventually make his way to the gardens.
Legolas could still remember when Aragorn had been younger, much younger than he was now. When Lord Elrond would take Aragorn down into the gardens with a picnic basket and instruct Aragorn in the healing properties of a number of different herbs and plants while relaxing over a well-prepared meal.
Often, the twins would join their younger brother and their father. He himself had joined them a few times. Those simple days were some of the happiest memories he had. With his life so full off bloodshed, battles and grief, the elf clung onto those memories tenaciously.
It was his light as he walked through the darkened, crooked path that was laid out before him.
"I went outside to take a walk...
So I could relive memories
I thought that you would lend a hand
But you were never ever there."
- Promises, Adema.
"I knew that I would find you here."
The voice startled the human out of his thoughts. Aragorn turned around to see an elf sitting easily on the window sill. With a grace he still found himself envying the elf swung from where he was sitting to land on the ground. Aragorn turned away and started walking.
He had come out here to escape for a while, not to be hounded by memories and people he was not so sure he should have returned to in the first place.
"Please Estel, we need to talk."
"I need to be on my own." Aragorn countered softly, walking a little quicker.
"Why do you run away again, Estel?"
The question was asked softly in Sindarin and Aragorn closed his eyes at the sadness laced behind each word. He was torn between the desire to carry on walking and turning around and facing the person who he had once called his brother.
"I am not running away. I was trying to take a walk." He corrected.
"You are walking away again." Legolas repeated softly, "once again you are unwilling to face up to your actions, Estel."
Aragorn's eyes slipped shut of their own accord at the sound of his elven name. It suddenly brought back more feelings and memories than he was willing to deal with.
"You cannot hold that against me, Legolas." Aragorn said roughly, knowing instantly what Legolas was referring to. "I only did what was right at the time."
"I do not fault you for the workings of your heart." He argued quietly, "but I do fault you for up and leaving at the first sign of trouble and not confronting your fears when you had the chance."
"I had to get away."
"You were a coward. Slipping into the shadows when things became too tense for your liking." Legolas said, rounding on his friend who had turned away from him and started walking. "It has always been that way with you. When the situation spiraled out of your control you fled. Seeking to forget about your problems until enough time had passed in your eyes." Legolas knew that he was probably really hurting his friend with his words. But these issues had gone unresolved long enough.
Legolas sighed as Aragorn turned on his feet and started to walk away. Legolas' keen eyes tracked Aragorn as he broke into a run.
In one swift, graceful movement Legolas sprung into the lower branches of the trees. Moving into the higher branches, Legolas set about tracking his friend.
Even with Estel's elven raised speed, it did not take Legolas long to overtake his friend.
Landing in a silent crouch on one of the lower branches, he waited for a brief moment before jumping from his perch.
His weight crashed into Aragorn's from above. The human released a startled cry as they both hit the ground. As Aragorn worked to get air into his lungs, Legolas moved. Before Aragorn could even blink, his wrists were pinned to the ground in a sure grip. He instinctively pressed back up against the weight holding him down.
In response, Legolas pressed harder and leant down so his face was just above Aragorn's. The ranger sagged and stopped fighting. He knew that there was no way he was going to get up unless Legolas wished it.
"See, you are running again, human."
The words were breathed over his left cheek as Legolas leant back slightly to look his friend better in the eyes.
"Talk to me, mellon nín." Legolas implored quietly, "talk to me as you once did."
Once, long ago it seemed, Aragorn would have spilled his heart out to his father. Lord Elrond would have looked upon him then, saw only Estel, and would have embraced him tightly and banished the fears that burdened his mind,
It was at that moment, with Legolas staring down at him, that perhaps it truly hit that his father was dead.
Not sitting in the Undying Lands, waiting one day to be reunited with his elven family.
Just... gone.
It was at that moment that Aragorn's tenacious hold on his emotions broke, and he cried, safe in the strong embrace of Legolas' arms. A re-affirmation of the bond they shared, of a love between brothers. It had been on a day similar to this, when the sun had shone down on them through the trees and a sweet smelling breeze drifted past them, that the bond had been pledged; and for both human and elf, it was reassuring to have the bond rekindled once more.
Without really realising it, Legolas had settled back into the role which he had once readily accepted as Aragorn's protector. A role which was often reversed depending on the situation.
Legolas loosened his grip slightly to look his friend in the eyes. Despite how angry, how hurt, he was with Aragorn for up and leaving, there was still a part of him that twisted inside when he saw the tears trailing down Estel's face.
Reaching up, he gently wiped the tears away. His hand moved in soothing circles over Aragorn's back. He could feel shudders still wracking Aragorn's frame. Legolas pulled Aragorn closer, whispering nonsensical words in Aragorn's ear.
Moments passed, and Aragorn pulled himself away. Embarrassment coloured his cheeks and he made to leave again.
"Please, Estel, saes. Do not run away from me again." Aragorn slowly met his friends’ eyes, and felt his resolve weakening as he saw the utter pain in the blue depths. "For all my words earlier... I honestly do not wish for you to go. I have lost too many friends before; I do not wish to lose you as well." The last part was whispered raggedly. Aragorn wished to take away all the pain in his friends’ eyes.
"Al, oh, al, Legolas. Saes mellon nín, ú-car nallon egor penio bo dôl ha ú-maer." He grasped Legolas by the shoulders and stared hard into his eyes. "No, oh, no, Legolas. Please my friend, do not cry or place blame on your shoulders where it does not belong."
"My words earlier, about your father..."
Aragorn pressed his finger gently against Legolas' lips, hushing the elf prince's sorrowful words. "I know that you never wished to hurt me, oh believe me I know that Legolas. You are not the only person who is feeling guilty about all of this." A smile tugged softly at the corner of Legolas' lips and Aragorn smiled gently in return. "I am sorry for turning away from you. I am sorry for hurting you, and I thank you for telling me. I am glad that I have a friend, a brother, like you. For you alone had the courage to tell me the very thing everyone else dared not."
"For a moment, I was like everyone else." Legolas murmured softly. But he was smiling a little as he caught his friends’ eyes.
"I thank you for being original then. And this is the only time I will say that." Aragorn glanced at Legolas out of the corner of his eyes with a teasing smile. Legolas chuckled and pushed his friend back a little bit. Aragorn sobered up, his eyes seeking Legolas' out.
"I will speak to you, gwador nín, this I promise. But for now... can the past be left alone?"
Legolas nodded. "Alright, mellon nín. I will let things lie, for now. But there is something else that I have to show you."