
May 24, 2010 07:10

As tagged by silvan_lady and laeglass.

001. What songs are you currently addicted to? - I recently rediscovered a song I heard years ago through a LOTRO music video. The Blood of Cuchulainn, or however that is spelt (google lists a few different spellings), from The Boondock Saints is as close as I can get to answering that as I've not really been listening to music much lately.

002. What are you currently reading? - Nothing new sadly. I have lots of older books that I need to finish though but haven't sat down with one of them for ages.

003. What was the last movie you saw? - The new Sherlock Holmes film.

004. What makes you angriest/most frustrated right now? - Some of my colleagues. But then they've always done that. :P

005. Favourite book and why? - Don't have a favourite as such. If I read it, it's because I liked it at one point in time.

006. What are your current addictions? - Live Journal and LOTRO.

007. What is your favourite t-shirt? - I don't wear them.

008. Something about you that most people don't know? Extra points if it's interesting. - Erm.... I'll come back to that one.

009. What was the last thing you bought? - A meal deal from Pizza Hut because I was feeling lazy one evening and didn't feel like cooking.

010. Do you have more friends online or off? - Online, but I've had the chance to meet a fair few of them offline as well.

011. Something that made you laugh today? - An email recieved this morning.

012. Favourite non-alcoholic beverage? - A toss up between water and tea/coffee pending on my mood.

013. What was the last thing you ate? - Pasta stuffed with spinach and a tomato sauce with some cheese.

014. What are your current favorite pairings? - The usual. Viggorli, Orlibean, Banabloom, Hector/Paris, Jack/Will... aside from a few I really don't like, I'll read just about anything.

015. Favourite website? - Don't have one. I frequent a few regularly over the day though.

016. What are your plans for tomorrow? - Work. Then, in what little of the evening I've left I'll likely be grabbing some food and then logging into LOTRO/Vent and seeing who is about.

017. What kind of music is contained in your hard drive? - Lots of different kinds.

018. Favourite colour? - Lilac.

019. Pet peeve? - People that leave the pegs on the line after bringing in clothing.

020. Guilty pleasure? - Definitely the internet.

Am not tagging because I'm not sure who has and hasn't at the moment, so consider yourself tagged if you are reading this and want to give it a go.


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