As tagged by laeglass.

Aug 04, 2009 06:37

Firstly: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
Secondly: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

When I'm done I'll consider who I'll tag. :P

Lots of pillows or just one? - I actually have two, but don't sleep on any of them. They're mostly used as something to muffle my alarm clock. The only time I actually sleep on the things was when I had done a night shift and would put one over my head to block out the light.

What kind of books do you read? - Fanfic, mostly. Bookwise: anything really. Fantasy, comedy, horror (though I tend not to choose them by default), sci-fi...

What are your most awesome skills? - Hmmmm. Can play the piano fairly well. Not too bad at cooking either, though I rarely cook for more than just myself.

What's your dream job? - Hell if I know. Always wanted to work with animals though. Right now I'll settle for anything that pays better than I'm getting.

What's really creepy? - I agree with laeglass. Spiders. And also ghosts.

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction? - Fandom wise, it hasn't changed at all, even if I'm not writing as much as I would like. Addiction will also remain LOTRO, where I'm nearly at the point of having my third character at lvl 60.

Diet soda or regular soda? - Only when I'm drinking, and then diet, I guess. Day to day though, it'll always be water or tea.

What websites do you always visit when you go online? - LJ, googlemail, the LOTRO forums, my kin website.

What was the last thing you bought? - A seafood baguette, pasta salad, a bottle of water and some chocolates for my previous work colleagues.

Pie, cake or cookies? - Savoury pie? If so, yes. Sweet kind of pie... neither really. If I'm eating anything sweet, it'll be plain chocolate, thanks.

Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave? - They're generally random. :P Could be anything from chocolate (turkish delight lately), to a bowl of pasta. *is getting hungry*

What do you do to change your mood? - Either read stuff (if I'm in a good/normal mood), or kill stuff in LOTRO (if I'm in a bad mood). :P

What is your zodiac sign? - Taurus.

Do you want to learn another language? - I have in the past learnt two, though I spoke only one fairly fluently. I would love to speak another language. Perhaps Welsh, or maybe pick French back up.

Five things you can't live without. - Friends, family, the internet, my phone and the laptop.

What is one song you could listen to repeatedly without ever getting tired of it? - Any of the songs I have in my media player. Sometimes I'll get to a stage where I've a hankering for that one song and loop it for ages. Currently I'm listening to the "Gravedigger's Brawl" soundtrack.

What are you looking forward to? - There's a housewarming coming up I've been looking forward to for ages. Also got a couple of concerts later on in the year.

Say something to the person who tagged you: Congratulations! And: *hugs*


Tagging (and apologies for any double tags): silvan_lady (when she gets back off her hols), tiniowien, doylebaby, ireth06, ai_hen, gattodoro, tati and nurseowens

Hmmm, according to LJ I live in Bristol. *is amused* Close, admittedly, but not that close.

And you know, I woke up this morning (just after 6:15) convinced I was working the morning shift and was nearly in my work uniform before I remembered it's my day off. :P


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