Well tonight is my last night at home before I leave for St.Lious (I think I'm spelling that right). My flight is at 5:30 tomorrow so me & my mom are going to the airport right after school and I will be back around 9 or 10 on Sunday night. I'm really excited, I haven't seen my family down there for like 6 or 7 years but most of my cousins are in college now so I don't know if I will get to see them. On Thursday I'm going to a Cardinals game and I hope to go shopping down there (something I can't wait to do!) and then I think on Saturday is my grandma's suprise 80th birthday party. I'm going to have so much make up work to do & my biology project so all this week and weekend I'm going to be stressing out. I hope its worth it though, who knows the next time I could see my family and even my grandparents (they are old..) lol. So everyone don't miss me too much this week and don't party to hard without me. :)
And here are those pictures I promised:
That looks like the exact same picture I took of Nicole that one time!
Colin playing dress up
Pat is hilarious...
The best for last!! I almost pee'd in my pants when I saw this, its HILARIOUS.