Talking Meme February 2:What are your feelings on the topic of luck? (tediousandbrief)

Feb 08, 2015 12:20

February 2:What are your feelings on the topic of luck? (tediousandbrief)

I am a big fatalistic. I think there is some element of predisposed direction in the universe. That the people we are meant to meet, we will meet. The bad things that happen in our life, help us to grow and make us stronger. I'm not sure if that is luck, exactly, though.

Does that mean we just give up and sit back and expect the universe to direct us? I don't think so. I think it's important to work hard, rely on these efforts, and follow through on it. I don't think you should procrastinate or sit around expecting something to happen, just out of sheer luck.

You shouldn't count on being lucky and strike the lottery-- the odds are really against you.
You shouldn't count on being lucky at the slot machine-- the odds are really against you.
You shouldn't count on being lucky and someone will do the work for you-- the odds are really against you.

I think I'm fatalistic in the sense that our cars are given to us by our parents/families, and the roads that we drive on are pre-built and determined by the universe, but you are seated at the wheel, and you control whether your car is going to crash or not, and once in a while, there are forks in the road for you to choose from.

We start at different places at birth-- some people get a 20-year old broken down car with a missing tire, and other people get a brand new Mercedes. Some people are on roads that are recently paved and doing great; and just can't comprehend why some drivers are complaining that driving is tough and feel the need to shout out "but I'm a driver too, and I've never crashed, and I've never had difficulties with my car breaking down, so why should you get AAA to help you out? I don't need AAA but it's not fair that you get that kind of assistance in your driving!"

Some of us are more responsible and pay attention to the maintenance of our cars-- they change the oil, rotate the tires, replace the windshield wiper blades. Others do not care as much.

Some drink and drive. Text and drive. Some are nervous drivers. Others are reckless. Some of us choose to ride in our parents' car for far too long! Some people don't even have a car and are forced to walk.

I think I derailed off the topic of luck, sorry.


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