Taken June 6, 2014
Amelia's smile is now being captured on camera! After a long stint of angry sullen stares at the camera, I've learned the secret to capturing her personality. You see, in real life, she is a happy, easy-going, smiling newborn. She coos, and laughs, and smiles spontaneously at anyone. She waves her arms and kicks her legs, and giggles some more. But when I whipped out my camera, she would just stare.
My new secret-- I hold the camera under my chin, or to the side of my face, and I call out her name and smile at her. She inevitably looks towards my voice, sees me smile, and breaks into a big smile in return. Viola! Her smile, captured forever.
Taken June 10, 2014
Her hair is very fine compared to mine and Erika's; it dries in minutes and stands straight up in a mohawk. It is not jet black like mine, but a soft brown that glows golden in the sunlight.
Her eyes are still a dark slate gray, though like Erika's, I expect it will turn brown as she grows older.
What has she been up to...
She's been drooling, a lot. And pressing on her gums with her fists.
She likes being assisted into a sitting position to look at the world.
She does not like being put down on her back, and left there to look at the ceiling. She complains loudly about this.
She's been nursing about 8 times a day (down from 10 times last week), and much fewer wet diapers, I think might be related to the warmer weather and sweating a lot.
She loves bath time. It puts her in the best of moods.
This week, she has been able to fall asleep for naps without being swaddled; her arms held out above her head and her long legs stretched out.