POLL: car or carseat issue?

Mar 09, 2014 10:38

We own two SUVs: a Subaru Forester and a BMW X5.
But in the fall, after looking at many sporty cars, Brian decided he wanted to own a 1980s Mitsubishi GTI that he saw on Craigslist. The car was located a 100 miles away and had only one owner with low mileage. It's a 2-door sports coupe car.

I said: a 2-door car? How are you going to get the baby in and out of the car? How is that a family car? Why are we buying a third car when we have no need for it? What is going on?

He said he'll sell the BMW because he's tired of driving it and it always needs costly repairs (which is true).  It will be more fuel economical (true). And, he simply wants it (what?).

We piled into the SUV: Erika, pregnant me, my sister, my sister's boyfriend, and Brian. We drive out there to see the car. He takes it for a test run. He asks "what do you think?" I said "I don't like it. Why are we buying this car?" and he says "I want it." Goes over to negotiate with the guy, and half an hour later, they shake and it's done.  We own the car.

In my pregnant condition, I can't ride or drive the sports car. It's too low to the ground, making it impossible for me to climb in and out. Even after the pregnancy, I am not a fan of this car. I don't want to drive it, I want to continue driving my Subaru Forester (an SUV). Erika says she loves to ride in the Mitsubishi because "Daddy goes super fast in the car, it makes my tummy feel funny in a good way" though Brian denies this and says it's a very slight acceleration from 0mph to 40 mph and nothing to do with true speed.

The problem is: Erika doesn't fit in the car. Erika in her front-facing car seat-- Brian admits there is a problem and her "legs are squished". In fact, I don't think anyone can fit in the car. The backrow is so tiny that I can't imagine any adult over 5'0" or 100 lbs can fit back there. (Even my sister who is 5'4" said her knees didn't fit when she tried).

This is a problem because if he plans to sell his SUV and rely solely on this sports car, he is responsible for transporting Erika to preschool three days a week in the mornings. Not to mention in the fall, he plans to take 6 weeks paternity leave, so he'll be the primary caregiver for Erika and Baby #2 (meaning two carseats to squish in the backrow).

So his solution? He wants to buy a backless booster for Erika for this car. Erika is 3 years 11 months, weighs 38 lbs, and is 42" tall.

I said: "the issue is the car."

He said: "The issue is the carseat. She just needs a different carseat. But of course you think it's the car. You've always hated the car." (Which is true)

I said: "The issue IS the car. It's the wrong car for our family. Erika is NOT going in a backless booster. She's not old enough to be in one. The safest place for her is in a 5-point harness!"

He walked out the door, muttering "I'll figure something out."

There are a lot of misconceptions about carseats and there are no definitive numbers for when a child can go into a booster aside from a vague 4/40 rule that seems to be widely disputed. Then there are vague statements about the child's maturity and ability to sit still in a car, which Brian of course thinks Erika is completely ready for the transition. When every safety advocate says "in a 5-point harness as long as possible" and I've seen multiple sites that recommend 8 or 9 years old before transitioning. I can see why he's tempted to grab at this solution, because then it allows him to keep this sports car but I think he has tunnel vision on this issue!

Post-Edit: Erika currently has two 5-point harness carseats (one for each parent driver). She rides in a Britax Marathon with me and a Graco 3-in-1 Nautilus with Dad. We haven't tried the Britax in the 2-door Mitsubishi yet, but I know it's definitely "wider" than the Graco. Erika fits in the Graco in the Mitsubishi but her legs are "squished" (as described by both Brian and Erika).

Poll Backless boosters

car, poll

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