Jul 01, 2013 21:55
- Erika has the best daycare ever. See the top left photo? Participating in the US Park Service Junior Ranger program as they go seining in the bay.
- And on another day (middle right), they sit outside under the tree with friends and according to Erika "we just talk and have fun"
- The horseshoe crab eggs we harvested at the last moon hatched in two weeks and Erika and I released close to 300+ babies.
- Brian was away from June 18 - 24, 2013 in Denver and Vail, CO. Oma came to stay with us for the weekend.
- Bicycling in the park, and walks down to the docks.
- "Supermoon 2013" on June 22 (center photo), view from our docks overlooking the river.
- Burger King for dinner. When asked why she likes it, she said "it's not the food though the chicken nuggets are okay; I just like the crown and the apple juice."