2-year old well visit appointment

Apr 17, 2012 22:19

My musical daughter teaching her Puppy to play the piano at 23 months old (April 5, 2012):

Erika's 2-year old well visit today included:

Height - 36 inches (99th percentile)
Weight - 31 lbs 2 oz (90th percentile)

Questions asked by the pediatrician...
- Can she say her name?
- Does she know 100 words?
- Does she understand commands, even if she doesn't follow them?
- Can she walk up stairs unassisted?
- Can she speak in phrases?
- Does she appear to interact with other peers her age?

It was "yes" to all of the above, and Erika, who is normally very shy, even threw in a few extras, like:
"Mommy, my arm itchy. I tell doctor? Show doctor my arm, hmm? Get medicine, hmm?"
and then: "Doctor, white horse bite me on butt! Hu'gry apple, I no apple. Bite pain!"
also: "I no want to get naked, so cold! No like cold."

Such that the pediatrician checked her file again and said "wait, her birthday was a few days ago and she just turned two?! Wow!"

Everything looks great, Erika is above normal development-wise, but needs to cut down on her milk intake (fear of anemia). Erika currently consumes between 18 - 26 oz. of milk per day. Pediatrician said she should try to cut down to about 8 - 10 oz. a day. Yikes! I still don't understand why there is a worry about anemia due to her large consumption of milk if: (1) she eats a healthy amount of a well-rounded diet, and (2) she is not underweight, and (3) she exhibits no symptoms of anemia like constipation, fatigue, shortness of breath, headache, etc.

I was a HUGE milk-drinker growing up, so much so that my parents claim they bought a mini fridge (the kind that goes in college dorms and hotel rooms) so I could open the fridge myself and pour myself milk, because they got so tired of getting it for me. My mom claims I drank a liter of milk a day until I was 5 years old. I still drink much more milk than the average adult.  I'm tall, I've never broken a bone in my life, and I've never had a cavity. I know it's a correlation, but my point being I guess I just don't see why I need to deny Erika something she loves if she doesn't seem to be negatively affected by it.

Hepatitis A vaccination

erika, doctor

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