Literally, this post is about the news. I'm obsessing a little about the war. Most kids on this earth would ask, "what war?" I fear that many adults would too. Where's the coverage? Why is it that I log onto MSNBC or even CNN to catch the news and the first thing I see is who's the biggest loser or who's taking steroids from which ball team, or which star was photographed without undies?? I don't care about that. Why is it that I don't understand Trannytrent's posts most of the time because I can't even point to the countries he is referring to much less know anything about the politics he's speaking of. Unabridged (v 1.1) eth·no·cen·trism /ˌɛθ
əm/ [eth-noh-sen-triz-uh
m] 1.Sociology. the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture.
ap·a·thet·ic /ˌæp
ɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ap-uh-thet-ik] 2.not interested or concerned; indifferent or unresponsive: an apathetic audience.
I refuse to believe that Americans are just stupid. I think we are ignorant. We are ethnocentric and can't be bothered with global politics because we are too busy trying to reserve the new IPhone on I do think we suffer from a severe, and likely terminal, case of apathy.