Aug 08, 2003 21:18
There's so much for Miss California to get used to here.
New Orleans and California have such clashing time schedules. I personally prefer California, duh.
It's just so weird to me that for the next two years, New Orleans, LA will be my home. I start work next Thursday. We have mandantory teacher in-service begins at 8 sharp. Mixed feelings, obviously, about having my own students in a classroom with lesson plans I will have to develop by myself.
I finally moved into an apartment. I won't go into the mayhem. It's too complicated, but getting moved in and unpacked has proved to be more difficult than ever I imagined. I'm here on my wonderful cushy queen sized bed (which takes up half the room). It's a great feeling to be unpacked and know where everything is.
I have two roomates, Ben and Lina (pronounced Leeena, not liiina, call her liiina and she will make mean faces at you). They're both really cool. Lina made me dinner tonight and Ben hooked up my computer with wireless internet.
Yeah, I'm a happy girl.