Feb 25, 2006 19:16
1.)Superhero(and don't say Awesome Man-I get it but its not funny.)-- I'm not really sure. If I were a guy, Spiderman. There arent many cool female superheros
2.)Literary charater-- I always kinda wanted to be Daine from the Immortal Series. Or Tricia/Trinity for Hitchhikers Guide ^.^ And I'd have to agree with Erin on Elizabeth Bennett.
3.)Character from a movie-- Danielle from Ever After. She quotes Utopia and stands up to bitchy princes and gypsies.
4.)Video game chraracter-- Tifa! or Zelda... oh, so many to choose from!
5.)Celebrity-- none..? Maybe Julia Styles?
6.)Musician(yes you can do one pop and one classical, geez..)-- does Idina Menzil count? Oh, and Amy Lee
1.)Dorm or apartment?-- Single bedroom, big bed, plants, better sound system. Game cube or something else plus lots of games. A huge library, a balcony, and a bigger shower
2.)Wheels? RX-8!!!! But I'd actually take -any- car (as long as it's a stick shift)
3.)Wardrobe? Nicer clothes, some stunning gowns. More jeans, more hats... new shoes. Some punk stuff too, thats always fun.
4.)Spring break plans? California (Palo Alto?) with Kevy. And Sam and Kalena. maybe N8 and his lady too.
Class you skipped the most-- Ummm...I hated Algebra (I think that's what it was?) so I said I wasnt feeling well and went to the health center several times
Best trip-- Cedar point, Senior year or band camp (pick one, any one)
Prom was lame because-- My friends didnt know how to dance so they just sat there.
Prom was awesome because-- I felt pretty
Random memory-- I had a crush on one of the guys in the chorus of my frist musical (Kiss Me Kate) so I spent the entire time I wasnt playing (orchestra!) craning my neck to try to see him. Also, Sitting next to Caia (cello) in Les Mis and getting poked from her bow ALL the time.
Best/craziest party-- Oh god, Nine Hole, hands down. It was amazing
Person who you wish you still talked to from high school-- Ash, especially cuz we go to the same college (doh!)
Late night craving that is most compelling
-- pizza or ice cream
What's your favorite jellybean flavor?
-- vanilla or butterscotch or anything like that. Yum, jellybelly
Which is more badass, surfing, skateboarding, or snowboarding?
-- Surfing, all the way
If you were stuck on an island and had to try and survive, who would you want with you?
-- probably Kevin. I think between the 2 of us we could figure stuff out. Plus we work well together and he makes me laugh :-)
Someone has stolen all of your CD's, but you are consoled by the fact that you have one left--what is it?
-- Michael Buble or Wicked
The job that you will probably never have, but sounds really cool is...?
-- Fashion Designer
The best concert you've ever been to
-- BNL (any) or Ben Folds