- Have a flat viewing today going on in our block, the landlord clearly doesn't care who he rents to. Students (most seemt to be), benefits, stupid people - don't stand in front of a door that is CLEARLY in use! I don't want anymore bloody kids living here especially English ones as they will be 'heard' & 'seen' where as the Polish (I think) kid next door you never hear (didn't know he existed for months), the Indian one you never hear and the Polish kid across you never hear (again didn't know there was one to start with).
- A woman clearly cut in line in Sainsburys while we were waiting and next in line on self-service, also the guy with his kid had practicly pushed in front too so we just went straight to the next available till regardless.
- Kid on way out was clearly in the way but her mother didn't ask her to move even when she got hit by a trolley and our bags.
So yes the rest of the human rest (well not all of them) make me stressed and I start shouting!!!! I need to chill out with a beer!