First entry...Beware!

Dec 19, 2003 16:16

Well this is my first entry. I dont really know what to write actually. Anyway this journal is kinda unfamiliar. But i say i should try and get used to it. My other journal has been blocked. DAMN those people! That was all my hardwork and now i have to start anew. Hope this is better. I dont like html. So many things to write and all. Really should get yeu how's help(that is if he wanna help). Haha.

Oh! Was my birthday last wednesday. Haha. It was a great day. I think it was the best birthday i ever had. Lotsa people wished me happy birthday and i even got to see return of the king on that day. Mum cooked me a whole lot of dishes and she actually wanted to bring me to repair my specs but i had to go out. Sorry mother! Haha. But kinda irritating though.

Return of the king was nice except that they cut a whole load of scenes. Saruman was ousted completely from the scenes and sauron was made to look like a lighthouse. Sheesh. I gave it an 8/10. Haha. The battles of pelennor fields and at minas tirith were great even though some made no sense. I gues we cant have everything.

My specs broke...and mum said i broke it on purpose. Isnt that the most silliest thing i ever heard! Why would i wanna break my own specs?? =.= will be a while before i get a new one.

This sunday, i will be helping my uncle move house. I hate moving house cos it usually causes a lot of trouble. Haha. But as you can see, i had no choice.

OH! The lord of the rings parody showed by french and sauders yesterday at Central. Haha. Had the laugh of the day.

Well now i am in school, as always. Haha. I dunno what i can do at home. yesterday was the most boring day except for the shows which were showed on central. There is gonna be another one today and tomorrow. Hopefully i wont miss it.

I just borrowed another two books on nutrition.Its kinda cool that they have nutrition for dummies. Alrighty. Logging off now. Ciao.

shadow, paige

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