Untitled (Jewnicorns in Love)

Jan 31, 2011 00:09

Title: Untitled (Jewnicorns in Love)
Author: alifeofourown  
Pairing: Andrew Garfield/Jesse Eisenberg
Rating: Mature
Summary: There's a moment where neither of them speak or even breathe because the silence is exactly what they need.
Warnings: Non-graphic Sex, Jewnicorns in Love, Perfect Dreams
Dedication: lifeisafantasy2 , aka the Jesse to my Andrew
Disclaimer: I am working on a machine to turn us all into Jewnicorns and I think you will be proud of me when it is complete.
Author Notes: So this is my first fic in a long while and I'm really sorry if it's bad. I tried my best. I do hope you like it, though, and thank you ahead of time for reading.

The room feels a hundred degrees hotter as Jesse stretches out on his stomach, his bare back unguarded. It's quiet in the room and it feels as if time has stopped completely, frozen to the point where not even an atom is moving, but as soon as the feeling starts, it's stopped by the tiniest touch on his back that makes Jesse inhale a sharp breath. He's forgotten how to exhale.

The air is mingled with the salty scent of sweat and Jesse finds himself tangling his hands into the bed sheets to keep himself from writhing. The fact that Andrew is slowly trailing his tongue down Jesse's spine, licking his way down the heated skin is more than enough to keep Jesse's mind off of his worries about his current acting role.

"A-Andrew..." the name escapes his lips in a breathless sort of way, because Jesse's remembered how to exhale, but not how to breathe. His fingers are gripping to the sheets so tightly that his fingers are turning white, but Jesse can't feel it. His mind's far too lost to the ecstatic feeling that's welling up inside of him and inside the room, the temperature rises.

"Oh...god...Andrew, right there," Jesse cries out, a shudder of pleasure ripping through his entire body. Any comprehensible thoughts were completely lost in his mind because only one word was coming through the jumble.


From somewhere behind him, Andrew is letting out a chuckle, but Jesse doesn’t really pay attention. No, he’s too busy losing himself in the happenings. Too busy letting every single nerve in his body ignite itself in a fiery burst of passion. For a short moment, all Jesse sees behind his eyelids is white before the fireworks of colour are bursting and he’s letting out a cry into the mattress, his entire body tensing up in ecstasy before he relaxes, his fingers finally managing to untangle themselves from the sheets.

“Fuck…” he breathes out, slowly opening his eyes just in time to see Andrew drop down next to him, a lazy grin spread across his face.

“I’ll take it that means you’re no longer worried about your role?” Andrew’s grin seems triumphant, but Jesse doesn’t even notice it. He’s too busy reaching his fingers out across the bed to touch Andrew’s cheek, to feel the soft skin that he knows belongs to him and him alone.

It’s in that moment that the realisation overwhelms Jesse. He’s in love with Andrew, and not just that kind of friendship love, or brotherly love, or even that boyfriend/boyfriend ‘I love you’ phase. No, it’s something much purer than that. It’s that unbreakable bond, that knowledge that no matter what happens, he will do absolutely anything to keep Andrew safe and happy.

And while he’s not sure that’s what he should be thinking after the moment they just had, Jesse doesn’t care. He just lets the thoughts fill his mind, his body, his smile.

He touches Andrew’s cheek, his fingers just barely grazing their way over the soft skin. The smile on his face grows as he does so, and just before he runs out of skin to touch, Andrew places his hand over Jesse’s, keeping it there.

Andrew’s smiling at Jesse and his smile only grows as Jesse declares his love for him. There’s a moment of silence before Andrew, practically beaming, responds.

“Shut up.” It comes out as sort of a laugh, but regardless, it makes Jesse’s face turn a slight shade of red.

“I mean it,” Jesse replies, his mind instantly causing him to think that Andrew thinks he’s just joking around. “I love you.”

Andrew’s smile softens, shrinks, and Jesse’s starting to panic. Did he say something wrong? Oh god, what if it’s too soon. What if Andrew doesn’t want him to say those words?

But before he can set off in a panic, Andrew’s squeezing the hand that’s pressed against his cheek. “I already know you do. You don’t have to waste breath saying what’s already common knowledge.”

Something that seems like relief washes over Jesse's face and he's practically beaming now. The panic that had been so quick to jump up and take over was dissipating and all that was left was a warm feeling that made everything feel comfortable and happy. "Yeah?"

Consider it self-assurance, but Jesse needs to ask the question. He needs to hear Andrew confirm that the words he heard weren't just a figment of imagination. Maybe then he'll stop inwardly trembling from the nerves.

Another wave of the warm, safe feeling washes over him as Andrew's eyes soften and that familiar expression of fondness overtakes the bright, happy one. "You're not doubting me, are you? Not after all the time we've spent together. I practically proposed to you on the set multiple times, remember?" The skin around Andrew's eyes crinkle as the fond expression grows and Jesse can physically feel the man's words soak their way into his skin and calm his jittery nerves. "Cheer up, Eisenberg. I love you."

"Well now you're intentionally being cheesy to make me smile aren't you?" It's more of a statement than a question, but it makes Andrew laugh and that's all that matters.

"Of course I am," he replies brightly, and in that moment the last of Jesse's worries and panic fades from his body. "If I wasn't, I wouldn't be the person you love now would I?"

"No you would not."

There's a moment where neither of them speak or even breathe because the silence is exactly what they need. They need that time to think, to love. To stare into each other's eyes and forget that the world around them exists.

And then the silence is broken by a noise that escapes Jesse's throat. A noise that vaguely sounds like a chuckle. And it grows. The single chuckle quickly turns into quiet giggles and then it jumps to full on laughter. It takes a minute before Andrew's joining in, laughing loudly as he reaches out and pulls Jesse into his arms. They don't even know why they're laughing but the feeling of their lungs and stomachs happily aching from it is more than enough motivation to keep on going.

By the time the laughter dies, Jesse's pressed against Andrew and Andrew has his arm securely wrapped around Jesse. The two pause to look at each other before Andrew cracks a smile. "Now what were you worried about in the first place?"

Jessie tries to remember but comes up blank. Between the sex, the love and the laughter he's completely forgotten why he had come home worried. "Does it matter?" he responds, his eyes half closed as sleep begins to take over. "This is better."

"Yeah," Andrew agrees. "It is." In one swift motion, Andrew turns out the bedside lamp, tugs the covers over them and places a gentle kiss to Jesse's forehead. "Goodnight, Jesse."

"Goodnight, Andrew." Jesse allows his eyes to fall shut, and that night when he dreams of wedding bells and vows, there's a smile on his face.

genre: fluff, rating: mature, person: jesse eisenberg, pairing: andrew/jesse, genre: smut, person: andrew garfield

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